New fan with questions

How many copies of "A warm glimpse" did you sell? Did all of the original copies sell? Just curious.
I wasn't sure if I should have asked that question or not, since some people hate to give out sales figures. For a band that is selling internationally I was curious just because I figured their sales figures were huge. Is the album available in other languages besides english due to this fact?
Also, does a band when they record an album usually set a goal of how many records they want to sell? DO they print up maybe 5,000 copies and figure they will sell them all. This is just regarding a band in general not you in particular. I find sales and marketing interesting.
Windom Pearl said:
So maybe 2 then, I heard a rumour some guy in germany bought one too.
me, me, me!

Actually it may be somewhere an inch below 3000. We're a total kvlt band :lol:
total fuckin' necro.

shark22 said:
I wasn't sure if I should have asked that question or not, since some people hate to give out sales figures. For a band that is selling internationally I was curious just because I figured their sales figures were huge. Is the album available in other languages besides english due to this fact?
Heh, that would be so cool. And that would also be a nice idea for the making of the next album: Different vocal-tracks for different countries. e.g. on one track Marko sings in english and on the next one he sings in hindi or mandarin or something like that. this would add some kind of multicultural necro-flavour to the whole thing.
shark22 said:
Also, does a band when they record an album usually set a goal of how many records they want to sell? DO they print up maybe 5,000 copies and figure they will sell them all. This is just regarding a band in general not you in particular. I find sales and marketing interesting.
The album is not on other languages :) The worldwide release doesn't actually mean worldwide, I think it's more like USA, most of Europe, Russia and Japan.

I don't actually know anything about our marketing and sales. We let Earache take care of that and they on their behalf never tell us anything. The sale of little less than 3000 is what Lee told us about half a year ago.

3000 isn't much at all, but taking into notice that we were signed in the situation where no one knew us, I think the album has done very good.

Nico 16 said:
multicultural necro-flavour
Oh jebus that got me!!! :lol:

~Zeandra~ said:
I can't wait to hear Marko singing in German.

Windom Pearl said:
3000 isn't much at all, but taking into notice that we were signed in the situation where no one knew us, I think the album has done very good.
3000 ain't so bad for a band that doesn't tour. It's not going to allow me to go out and buy that ivory back-scratcher I'd had my eye on, but in this age of downloading and too much product it's quite respectable.

To reach 10,000 sales in this day and age is quite an achievement. You would be very suprised at what so-called "big" bands are selling these days. The whole industry is being F'd in the A right now.

I also agree that the record companies are being screwed right now. You have Kazaa and Morpheus programs to download music from. I personally was a member of kazaa but I don't have a cd burner. If I really like an album I will go out and buy it. The bad part is aside from amazon .com an album can be over 20 bucks in stores where I am from. So unless you are comfortable shopping online then you have to pay 20 bucks. So in a nutshell used off amazon is the way to go. I am not trying to piss anyone off here , I just personally like amazon so I hope this doesen't sound like advertising. Peace. BTW Rammstien sings in German, so maybe Marko can do Finish on a track! :grin:
Downfall said:
And one Scorpions-like ballad called "I ripped off Opeth 2002"...

You should rip off dredg or franz ferdinand or something and make it sound like opeth to get rid of the mr. bungle comparisons...

I'm looking forward to the new Farmakon album more than the new Opeth :OMG:
Hi there,

I'm one of the moderators on the Biomechanical forum. Just liked to say hi from one Elitist band to another.

On downloading, it's a vicious cirlce for bands especially when their starting out, they rely on people downloading their mp3's for free to start getting a fan base and the word spread about their band,to hopefully being signed.When signed every single sale is being counted for, to try a make some kind of living for the band and for the record company to continue to support them for the next album.

I'd like to think that if people really like an album they have downloaded, they would then go and buy it!

Well good luck with the demos/album and nude photos :grin: