Fartman Nonsense

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Enough of this FARTMAN nonsense. Steve should be known as the FART MASTER, i mean the sound contests that of a human body. For any performer to have this almost uncanny resemblence to a naturally occuring act of nature should be praised and worshipped. I am your typical fun loving fart lover as much as the next guy, but i mean come on people Howard Stern is FART MAN, STEVE is almost a FART GOD. Most musicans put there blood sweat and tears into their music, FART GOD (STEVEN) bleeses us with his gass as well as the other attributes. A good melodic fart, is the second song on the CONTROLLED DENIED album, a GAS FROM THE PAST that one is. So basically to sum it up STEVIE FART, fart like their is no tomorrow, fart for today and leave no fart left unleft in the realm of your basses rectum. Let the world hear your ass cry as whispers become battle cries from the butt, shit stain all those who test the best and leave your smell for those of the generations to come.

larry Fitzgerald
I totally agree with you on your assesment of gaseous sounds that are emitted through Steve's bass. The other day I was taking a shit and was listening to the intro to the "What if" song by Control Denied, and as I left that preliminary fart on the toilet it was amazing. Amazing because that fart that I left was in complete ambience and synchronism as Steve's bass was. IT was as if the Fart God, (Steve), was simultaneously taking a shit with me.
Bodily sounds are numerous, you have burps, screams, stomach growls, and most importantly farts. Steve has created a new age of music that connects bodily noise with terrific symphonic music. Perhaps Steve is onto something, maybe his aim is to start a new genre called "bodily music." Music that resembles our everyday affairs of life, in sound and nature.
Oh Fart God thou hast brought me through times of turmoil and catapulted me through my shining moments in life. May all who shun the fart sound be embellished to spend an eternity in the bowels of the mighty anus of which you control. Devour those souls who question the authority of his majesty, and bring to those who worship thee a life of everlasting glee and magnificance.
Let the world hear your ass cry as whispers become battle cries from the butt
May all who shun the fart sound be embellished to spend an eternity in the bowels of the mighty anus of which you control.
LOL! This is sooooooo good i want to cry. Best thread EVER!

I wish my bass could make fart sounds.
Steve why dont you stick up for yourself from these bastards
im awfully dissapointed in ya, for i woulf hate to be called fartman.
nevermore in your mind said:
Steve why dont you stick up for yourself from these bastards
im awfully dissapointed in ya, for i woulf hate to be called fartman.
The thing is, they don't realize it's an insult.
They all have 4 letters who really cares. BUT i would have to dissagree with chuck (god Bless Him) on the sound of a frog. A Frog say's "ribbit, ribbit". A fart says "Bauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum).

But who the fuck really cares.
Althoght i would personally rather be called fart man than frog man
Is all this really relevant? I mean, you're telling one of the best bassists out there his bass sounds like flatulence...that's a step below saying it sounds like shit IMO...personally I think that Steve has a very unique and awesome bass sound. If you think it's farting, then it's farting to you, but to me, it's music, and I will gladly pay for flatulent bass if that's what it is.