Faster way to quantize midi in Logic?


Nov 20, 2009
Arlington, Tx.
I'm using Superior drummer with the ddrum triggers going into my alesis io. and it's a bitch editing all the drums to grid before doing guitar parts. Is there a faster way to do it besides opening the midi list and changing them to '1' and '120' for three hours?!?!

Up in the top left corner is a box called the "inspector." There you can find a dropdown box next to Quantize. It allows you to pick different signatures to snap to, but 1/8 notes tend to work for me.

Then to get consistent velocities, in the piano roll click on the "functions" menu in the bar above the roll. Transform>Fixed Velocity. Then you can pick a velocity (like 120) and click Select and Operate. This will change every hit to 120. I personally prefer Random Velocity, and then setting a tighter threshold like 100-120. That way every hit is between 100-120, and is consistent but not exactly the same. And then I manually change individual hits that need different dynamics.
In Logic I usually quantize, then I select one drum at a time and fix it's velocities with the hyper draw. You can press the note on the piano roll and all the hits on that note will be selected, I then drag the velocities so that the highest ones are 127 and the rest isn't too low. If there's too big of a difference between hits I push them higher up and then humanize, but often that isn't necessary. That way you get harder hits but you still keep some of the real, played dynamics.