Fastest Double kick in metal? ? ?

I think that Vitek (from decapitated) its pretty fast, others that I think fall in that category are:

Trym (Zyklon)
Frost (Satyricon / 1349)
Tony Laureano (Nile)
Nocturnal Emperor said:
nick barker - dimmu borgir
yup that guy's really fast but his drumming sounds so "plastic" and boring, it sounds exactly the same on dimmus "pdm" and old mans childs latest, perhaps because (correct me if im wrong) they're both recorded in the abyss-studio... i don't like this guy at all anyway he's just fast, nothing more.

to the troop of fast drummers i'll add matte modin of dark funeral and defleshed.
Slaughter Of The Soul said:
Tony Laureano (Malevolent Creation) :D

and ex-Angel Corpse. \m/

Anyway, I heard this grindcore song or something on the radio the other night and it had the fatest blast beats I've ever heard, like a machine gun's rate. But then again, I don't know if it was a drum machine or what, but it wasn't, I'll say that.
There's loads of really fast double kick drummers. All of which are faster than Ray from FF.

Flo fromCryptopsy
Derek Roddy
Dave Culross
Nick Barker
Adrian Erlandsson
I agree with all of you.. All of these drummers are among the very best and fastest in the world, but.... Still one is missing to complete the hall of fame-list:

Tim Yeung//Aurora Borealis, ex- Hate Eternal...

- Man that guy is fast! Check "Conquering The Throne" (Hate Eternal) and "Time, Unveiled" (Aurora Borealis) for evidences!!!

P.S. - and maybe Horgh (Immortal)
As far as recorded material goes, it’s definitely Proscriptor of Absu. Parts of their latest album, ‘Tara’, have such fast double bass that I honestly can’t tell if they’re genuine or not. It’s just a blur at times. If they’re genuine then they’re definitely the fastest, no competition.
The fastest drummer at double bass and one-handed snare in the world is the drummer from The Berzerker. Download Death Reveals and Corporal Jigsaw Quandry and you'll see. I saw him do the stuff he does on the albums live. Its amazing