Who's the fastest metal band??

Alexander TG

The literate drummer
Mar 23, 2003
E. London
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I'm not really a power metal fan but I totally dig fast flashy melodic guitars, clean vocals and most importantly 100 mph double bass drumming.

Despite the crap lyrics and totally OTT guitar solos I got a real fix from a band called Dragonforce who claim to be the fastest melodic metal band, anybody care to dispute this??

You've gotta take your hats off to these guys, the musicianship is phenomenal at such speeds, so the big question is who's the fastest?
Berzerker, Origin or Cryptopsy. They all are among being the most brutal as well as the fastest bands in the world. But speed for the sake of speed can get boring. If you wan't more rhythmicly interesting bands...check out Meshuggah (who completly own all these brutal speed death metal bands\m/!)
All these brutally fast bands are so mechanical and cold like Meshuggha, yeah it's cool for about five seconds but the monotonous pounding without room for breath or those cool parts which lead up to the fast parts, no balance whatsoever. Ok so it's cool rhythmically but the guitars...... oohhh lets just say it's acquired taste, thinking mans grind if you will.
theodyssey said:
The berzerker. Drummer has 19 beats per second with one hand. World record right there.
That's right. Other bands you should check out:

Dying Fetus
Cattle Decapitation (gore-grind, but close enough to metal)
Berzerkers drummer is sick, but the rest of the band, and the music, I just cant really listen to..just waaaaaay to much going on at once,its all mushed together and not organized well.. not to mention the guitarist kinda blows..as far as origionality, songwriting, and having all the band members know how to play there instruments well, im still stickin with Fetus....
Dreamatic Evillous said:
If you're going with brutal bands, Anaal Nethrakh takes it. Most br00tal band EVAH.

As for power metal, not sure.
Well, everyone can be brootal with a drum machine :loco: Pretty good band nonetheless.
shadow gallery have some pretty fuckin fast lines in their music....
repetitive scale patterns harmonized on the guitar and keys, ascending and descending....its hard to play shit like that right at that speed, in a band setting

the rhythm section in smyphony x can get pretty fast too!!
think about evolution, the grande design

who is faster?

i haven't heard labyrinth lately..did they pick up speed in their rhytm section?
You know who's fuckin' all over the place craaaaazy? Spastic Ink... I dunno if anyone here's heard them, but check out their website and listen to "The Mad Data Race." It may not be as fast as those other bands, but its pretty damn nuts. I was actually scratching my head while listening to it.
has no one heard of the band Quo Vadis? the drummer of that band is awesome. just listen to the songs "Legions of the Betrayed" & "The Hunted". the drummer may not have the world record but he sounds really damn badass.

also check out the band Absu. In the song "She Cries the Quiet Lake" there is an insane double bass which sounds impossible. i think its a drum machine but listen to it for yourself guys.

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metal616 said:
also check out the band Absu. In the song "She Cries the Quiet Lake" there is an insane double bass which sounds impossible. i think its a drum machine but listen to it for yourself guys.

Nope, it's a real drummer. The drummer of Absu does vocals as well.

You know who's fuckin' all over the place craaaaazy? Spastic Ink... I dunno if anyone here's heard them, but check out their website and listen to "The Mad Data Race." It may not be as fast as those other bands, but its pretty damn nuts. I was actually scratching my head while listening to it.
That album is some of the most twisted technical metal i've ever heard (if not the most twisted, heh).