Dreamscape - The best band you never heard

For one thing...I prefer Derek's solo stuff over any Jordan Rudess solo material or most of Moore's recent stuff (excluding OSI). Secondly, I prefer Dereks sounds over almost any current keyboardist...I really dont know what I like about it so much, but I really think that it strikes a good balance between an overpowering Jordan Rudess sound and a more subtle Kevin Moore sound.
dusro2 said:


The band's name is certainly "Dream Theater", but the word "Theater" is correctly written "theatre" in English as well.
After all, the word is greek. It's spelled "Theatron" or "Theatro" in modern greek and has it's roots at the word "Thea" which means: view, sight.
So you could actually say that spelling it "Theatre" would be much closer to the original word.

Stop being lame without having your homework done. :)
ptah knemu said:
I agree with Jax on that one, but to a lesser extent. The patch he uses in Glass Prison at the part "Help me. I can't break out this prison all alone..." is such an out of place effect. Also, in The Dance of Eternity, there's one part in there that reminds me of a chase scene from a cartoon or something. But some of his patches are really cool though.

I really need to start staying on topic more.
Aw man, I love that rag-time piano solo in Dance of Eternity! It's stuff like that that keeps me interested in a musician, originality and creativity > skill. And that effect in the Glass Prison makes it sound so much cooler, I don't like DT all that much but Rudess and Portnoy always keeps me coming back and listening to their songs.
My point wasn't about it being interesting, which it certainly is, but my point was about certain patches working with certain atmospheres. Maybe Dance of Eternity was a bad example, because it lacks lyrics, but I don't thing a Drawbar Organ fits in with the 2nd step of Alcoholics Anonymous at all. It's like putting that effect in the middle of Bird Serpent War. It wouldn't fit.
O.k I've had the album 'Very' since Thursday morning, and I've had a good long weekend to get aquatinted with it and my conclusion has now changed from unbelievable to fucking unbelievable.

This in an album without a single weak song but the pierce de resistance of the album, the track 'she's flying', is so utterly moving that the keyboard melody that ends it actually had me shed a tear. I had to puff out my chest and put on some Slayer after to restore order but when a melody just catches you like that there is nothing you can do.

Melody, complexity, shred, heaviness, softness and dynaism. The perfect antidote to the crap people in this land dare to call music, I am of course talking about the student 'art' rock stylings of shite like Franz Ferdinand, The Strokes and The Hives, 3-chord distorsion genius.

Long live Dreamscape and the land behind the looking glass.
Pois0nSeed said:

The band's name is certainly "Dream Theater", but the word "Theater" is correctly written "theatre" in English as well.
After all, the word is greek. It's spelled "Theatron" or "Theatro" in modern greek and has it's roots at the word "Thea" which means: view, sight.
So you could actually say that spelling it "Theatre" would be much closer to the original word.

Stop being lame without having your homework done. :)

Thanks for the ridiculous lesson on word origins. I'm gonna go listen to some Symphonie X.
'theater' is just the american spelling.. I think every other country spells it 'theatre'. Who cares?

btw, listened to some Dreamscape.. vocals are ok, music quality is good, but to me they lack that originality that I need to fall in love with a band. So I cant say anything bad about them, but I wont be rushing out to buy their stuff any time soon.