Fastest Double kick in metal? ? ?

Hey guys/girls ( if applicable)

cheers for all the info on this topic, could i persuade you to gimme a leg up even further by getting some song names and where to accuire them?

The fastest double bassdrumming I've heard is by Hellhammer on Thorns' "Interface to god". The first part is just "normal" fast, but then a break comes at 1:32 and it gets insanely fast!!!!!
I'm putting this again because only one person seemed to understand...THE DRUMMER FROM THE BERZERKER!! Download "Death Reveals" and "Corporal Jigsaw Quandry". He is the fastest live drummer in the world.
As far as double bass is concerned, The Berzerker's drummer is certainly NOT the fastest around. His hand strokes are recorded fastest but not the double bass drumming. The really fast parts in The Berzerker's music are mostly hand-strokes, including the tracks you quote. The triggered double bass rarely gets really fast. As for them live, I didn't hear or see any eye-bogglingly fast bass drumming.

There are many people faster with the double bass.

I still say Proscriptor. Listen to 'She Cries The Quiet Lake' or 'Stone of Destiny'. His double bass is far faster than any of The Berzerker's hand strokes, and I wouldn't consider their double bass in the same league at all.
No, only "Death reveals" displays the incredible handspeed. "Corporal Jigsaw Quandry" was listed as to display the double bass. And yes, when I saw them live, the drummer did in fact perform these feats. If you saw them any time after January, then you didn't see the actual drummer, as he had a broken foot.
Damn, that link you posted Spaffe has some evil drumming! The sound was pretty crappy and I couldn't hear the bass drums at all, but he did a mean blast beat! The fastest blast beat I had heard was on Emperor's "The source of Icon E", but I'm pretty sure that guy is even faster!!!