Fastest Double kick in metal? ? ?

Well, I would just like to add Fredrik from Amon Amarth and Horg from Immortal, they might not be extremely fast recorded, but live they are amazing
Flo is awsome live
Hellhammer on the Mayhem DVD on A View from Nihil is REALLY fast
Tyrm is really super-mega fast

Those are my top 3:grin:
Nobody gonna mention Mick Harris?

Edited to say - ok, that wasn't double kick drumming, but FETO era Napalm Death was still barking mad on the drumming front.
Board said:
Damn, that link you posted Spaffe has some evil drumming! The sound was pretty crappy and I couldn't hear the bass drums at all, but he did a mean blast beat! The fastest blast beat I had heard was on Emperor's "The source of Icon E", but I'm pretty sure that guy is even faster!!!

Impressive !
The Wanderer said:
dennis the menace from macabre should be on that list somewhere. i dont care much for the band, but that dude can rip it up.

Good Call. Have You Heard His Drum Solos... They Are Near Perfection. I Enjoy Their Music. They Have A New CD(Murder Metal) Coming Out In Sept.
I'll second that Derek Roddy may be the best pure technician I have ever heard. If you can find it, he gave this short but very interesting interview with modern drummer many months back, in which he talks about ahieving foot speed unrivaled in a legitate metal context. Aslo...I'd argue that Lumbardo is in his prime now, some of the playing on testament's the gathering is faster than anything he recorded in his Slayer years.
Charlie Benante can do it really fast if he wants to (just listen to "Charlie Don't Cheat", "The Song That Don't Go Fast" and "Shenanigans" off S.O.D.'s "Bigger Than The Devil" and "Black Dahlia" off Anthrax's WCFYA) and i believe Paul Mazurkiewicz, Dave Lombardo and Igor Cavalera as well.
spaffe said:
i guess actually seeing the drummer do his stuff, as some of you have mentioned,
is quite different from just hearing it, and thus i came to think of a video i had on my computer.
now this guy, the drummer of a band called brodequin i belive, ... makes a lot of noise :D
check it out.
Is he doing a gravity blast? (One-handed roll) I've tried to get info on them so I can learn but no one knows anything about them! I used matched grip, btw.
EDIT: Its not...just a Blast beat
I think the world record holder at least according to Modern Drummer is Tim Waterson from my neighboring city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He was recently clocked at blasting out 1407 beats per minute on double-kick...Holy Fuck!! When I saw him play, it was with a country cover band, I'm not sure what he's up to now that was a while ago...checkitout
Yeah...fair nuff. I just think a one minute record is one thing, but recording and then playing an actual set is much more respectable. Live music sets are rarely just a minute long....


enditol said:
I think the world record holder at least according to Modern Drummer is Tim Waterson from my neighboring city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. He was recently clocked at blasting out 1407 beats per minute on double-kick...Holy Fuck!! When I saw him play, it was with a country cover band, I'm not sure what he's up to now that was a while ago...checkitout
Yes, I've heard of him. He double bounces, though. Not that its less impressive, its just that most of the drummers mentioned already single stroke the bass drum.