Fastest way of making MIDI drums??


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2012
i worked with a band today it took me 6 hour's to make a drum pattern of 3.40min song :S
whats the fastest way in REAPER ??
im using ez drummer Metal machine ezx
Electronic kit or Keyboard or some type of sampler pad? Quantize / Beat Detective. Just some options.
Fastest for me is to play it on keyboard and then shift an quantize and removing the mistakes

If you can't play the whole thing in one, start with only BD and Snare and then add the cymbals after.
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Midi editor in cubase for me. It doesn't honestly take to make even complex patterns if you have an idea what you're doing and the general mindset of how a drummer would do things. Practise makes perfect.
i worked with a band today it took me 6 hour's to make a drum pattern of 3.40min song :S
whats the fastest way in REAPER ??
im using ez drummer Metal machine ezx

no useful answer's :S

No useful answers? Really?

Also, it took you 6 hours to program a 6 hour song? I would say just have the drummer send you an iphone video or something like that and program it from there.

I would say just practice and get better at programming piano roll. I can program, compose intricate fills and humanize all in about 30 minutes if I write it. It usually takes me an hour tops when watching a drummers video. Practice practice practice. I always say that programming through guitar pro is just a shortcut and teaches you nothing. Learn to do it the right way. Your an engineer, not a whore
Another vote for programming in the piano roll. Get a good workflow going for it and with a bit of practice you'll fly through it. As others have mentioned an alternative to this is recording the MIDI with an e-kit or keyboard, but personally I find keyboard drumming to be a hassle. If it's too much of a headache for you, you could ask bands who want programmed drums to write out the beats in guitar pro then just copy the MIDI into Reaper and humanise it a bit.
I'm building an electronic drum kit. They're not even mounted on a rack and I don't have kick pedals yet but I did this with 2 of the drums. One for kick and one for snare and built the rest of the beat around those. Kind of a mixture of playing and programming...went very fast.

BTW how does this sound? It's not mastered or anything. It's my first try with superior drummer.
I'm building an electronic drum kit. They're not even mounted on a rack and I don't have kick pedals yet but I did this with 2 of the drums. One for kick and one for snare and built the rest of the beat around those. Kind of a mixture of playing and programming...went very fast.

BTW how does this sound? It's not mastered or anything. It's my first try with superior drummer.

sounds like the drummer doesn't know how to play drums and the mix was thrown together real quick (and by the way you say it it sounds like you did it real quick).

I did something similar except I bought one of those cheap e drum kits (with the round pancake pads) and I use those for only cymbals. I ran those into my D4 along with a real drum kit that I replaced all the heads with super strong mesh and triggers. Works almost like a roland mesh kit and all and all without the module it costed me about $200
Can you humanize and all other shit????

I can do it like this.

But I won't do it for free, but also I'm almost broke so what price you call I'll do the job. (don't discard idea, ask before it)
Just pm (or better e-mail me) and we can settle things how it is comfortable for you.
You can just export a Guitar Pro file to midi, then do the humanization in Reaper's midi-editor
I do all my drums in the Reaper editor... doesn't take me 6 hours though....
I started out with editing GP exported drums, just listen where which velocity sound right.
Also you can search topics started by me about drum programming. I posted video how I did programming back then.
I use piano roll to program like a couple of other guys have said. I think the biggest time saver whilst using piano roll is knowing your DAW keyboard shortcuts for pencil tool, eraser, duplicate etc.

EDIT: In almost every instance I have had, it has been faster to program drums than to actually record them. That's without including set up/tear down times. Maybe I'm just stuck with drummers who aren't so great :lol:
Just dove into MIDI drums for one of the first times ever for me. I'm just getting frustrated.

Is there a way to customize the piano roll/named notes in REAPERs midi editor, to remove the notes that aren't being used?

Sorry, I'm a total newb at this. just looking for a way to remember what notes are what.
Just dove into MIDI drums for one of the first times ever for me. I'm just getting frustrated.

Is there a way to customize the piano roll/named notes in REAPERs midi editor, to remove the notes that aren't being used?

Sorry, I'm a total newb at this. just looking for a way to remember what notes are what.

You can give the notes you want to use a name by double clicking the right mouse button on the piano key. After that, you can choose "Hide unused and unnamed note rows" in the "View > Show/hide note rows" from the menu. That's what I do, so it's easier to find the notes you use.
I use piano roll to program like a couple of other guys have said. I think the biggest time saver whilst using piano roll is knowing your DAW keyboard shortcuts for pencil tool, eraser, duplicate etc.

EDIT: In almost every instance I have had, it has been faster to program drums than to actually record them. That's without including set up/tear down times. Maybe I'm just stuck with drummers who aren't so great :lol:

Now thats the shit i need...
some secrets and techniques in the piano roll
quick shortcuts would help