Fastest way of making MIDI drums??

No useful answers? Really?

Also, it took you 6 hours to program a 6 hour song? I would say just have the drummer send you an iphone video or something like that and program it from there.

I would say just practice and get better at programming piano roll. I can program, compose intricate fills and humanize all in about 30 minutes if I write it. It usually takes me an hour tops when watching a drummers video. Practice practice practice. I always say that programming through guitar pro is just a shortcut and teaches you nothing. Learn to do it the right way. Your an engineer, not a whore

how would i humanize double bass drums beats and drum rolls whats the basic measure????
You can give the notes you want to use a name by double clicking the right mouse button on the piano key. After that, you can choose "Hide unused and unnamed note rows" in the "View > Show/hide note rows" from the menu. That's what I do, so it's easier to find the notes you use.

Yeah, I figured that out. Thanks!

Just got the SSD4 Essentials and slowly getting a grip on all this. I'm sorta bummed there's no individual faders for Crash cymbals...

The crashes don't seem to cut through very well.
how would i humanize double bass drums beats and drum rolls whats the basic measure????

In Reaper, while in the MIDI Editor window, press "H" key and set the Humanize settings. Something like 3% for timing and 10-15% for velocity. But it seems you need to do this for every "chunk" of midi that you create.
If you don't own these libraries, you can create your own by programming some basic stuff, fills... etc, humanise it, save it into SD2.0 grooves section and then recall it by drag'n'drop into every project.
and Language barrier? r u kiddin me?

Well I was actually defending you by mentioning language barrier, since as far as I know, your local language is not english and is not using the latin alphabet. None of your sentences being really correct, I thought it was an explanation. If I had to ask questions in bengali on an audio forum I could probably sound strange. It might have sounded harsh, but it was only written fast, really.

You cant even spell my country's name right

I don't see the point of this, also It is actually pronounced close to how you would write "ben-" in my own language, mea culpa for the confusion, I'm not good enough to spell correctly all countries in the world. Sorry for that.
Mashreef I think the biggest thing you need to overcome is learning how drummers actually play and getting used to programming. If you are using reaper you can name each piano note to whatever you want if that helps (for instance changing C2 to "Kick Drum" and so forth). I recommend looking for a video of a good drummer that has decent video and audio and programming whatever they play. I did that with a song that was about 5 minutes of some dude just playing random patterns etc. and my programming skills doubled just off doing that. It takes a while to do this but I can almost guarantee it will make things better for you.

If you have any questions or concerns feel free to PM me dude.

Best of luck