Fates Warning


May 28, 2002
I never got around to buying thier "Disconnected" CD yet, does anyone like it? How does it sound? I'm mostly a fan of thier "Spectre Within" and "Awaken The Guardian" era stuff, but "Pleasant Shade Of Gray" is okay I guess. I was lucky enough to see Fates Warning live before John Arch left. :cool:
Originally posted by warcorpse
I never got around to buying thier "Disconnected" CD yet, does anyone like it? How does it sound? I'm mostly a fan of thier "Spectre Within" and "Awaken The Guardian" era stuff, but "Pleasant Shade Of Gray" is okay I guess. I was lucky enough to see Fates Warning live before John Arch left. :cool:

It's Very Much Like a Pleasant Shade Of Gray, I Think It's A Bit Better- I Love Paralles Awesome C.D. Also You Can't Beat No Exit.:D
yes i agree... that it does follow the line of APSOG... but its not exact... its not a concept album like APSOG... but i still think its a very very strong album (check out the song still remains... all 16 min of it!)
however if you are looking for a return the John Arch era, you're gonna be sh*t out of luck!
you are damn lucky!!! lucky!! warcorpse to see them with John Arch! how was it? i've seen bootlegs with John Arch.. the band didn't seem as tight as they are with ray now...

i did get to meet john last year when Fates played Hartford, Conn, that ruled!

Old Fates Warning is the best Fates Warning so seeing John with them was GREAT. But that was way way back like 86-87, I can't recall. There was also another old CT band that played with them -Sacred Oath. I saw them live twice with John. They were originally a CT band so I would drive to 'The Hartford Agora'(closed) when they played. I also saw them early 90s in New Haven with Adler.
How lucky you are Warcorpse! :o

I have never seen them yet, they rarely come to Europe :(

BTW "Ivory Gates of Dream" is one of my favorite Metal songs of all time, and the live bonus disc in Still Life is amazing!
They were too underrated in the 80's I think...

I think Disconnected is a llittle bit heavier than A pleasant, and I really like all the stuff from Fates Warning since Night on Broken, and my favorite will always be Inside Out, but Disconnected is just great man, you won't lose your money buying it