Fav bodom album poll!!

I like every song on AYDY? but If you want peace...prepare for war. Next In line i don't like THAT much either but all the other songs i like! I would still go with FTR! Still Hatecrew deathroll was FUCKING GOOD...damn all the albums were :p I own Something Wild,Hatebreeder,HCDR and i listen to them all the time.
my favourite is Hate Crew Deathroll. I like the ''old style and that, and I like AYDY (even that the overall tempo of the album is too slow IMO) , but HCD has my favourite tunes. Sixpounder has been my alltime favourite tune since I heard it back in 2003, and there's not a bad song in this album IMO. Maybe the weakest could be Lil Blood Red Riddin Hood or Triplw Corpse Hammerblow, but both have great melodies so I like them too. Oh, and it's not my favourite album because Alexi said it's COB at its best, it was my favourite album before that, just to clear things up :lol::kickass:
yeah, i fucked up my first post, so? eh oh well, oh and i dont see how i double posted...since i didnt. Oh and whoever said im all giddy about bodom like ive been listening to them for 3 days, ive listened to bodom since their first album so yeah, just never went on the fourms =p
IMO, Children of Bodom peaked with Something Wild/Hatebreeder and started going downhill after Follow the Reaper. Something Wild has amazing melodies/riffs literally through the whole album, with a couple short moments of mediocrity - AYDY, in contrast, is basically a rehash of Hatecrew Deathroll (which in itself was less innovative and melodically inclined than the albums before it).

how can a bad "peak" after their first album? pretty sure they peaked after FTR, HCDR was about half bodom half new-bodom, but hopefully Blooddrunk will bring atleast some of the old bodom back =p Anybody know why Alexi stopped using the voice echo thing on albums though? always wondered why never found out tho
Hatebreeder is their best, AYDY? is their worst, a fact which is plainly obvious to those with ears.

maybe you should look up the word "opinion"

-10 for you, good sir.

i like 1 song from something wild, and that would be lake bodom..
I like 4 songs from hatebreeder
I like 9 songs from ftr
I like 4 songs from hcdr
and finally, i like 3 songs from aydy.

so, my top 5 list would be like this:

5th: something wild
4th: aydy
3rd: hcdr
2nd: hatebreeder
and ftr takes numbah 1 for me.
I'm not fucking fussy with my death metal, so i'm not going to hate a song because it has ONE bad fucking keyboard melody, like joonas.
kissing the shadows has riffs and solos that severly outweigh the "supremely gay" melody.
I always found the musical chaos on Something Wild offputting. I haven't listened to that record in a long time.
Unlike Follow the Reaper. It's teh winn0r. And also the first album and song of theirs I knew.
I can't quite believe it's been almost 7 years that I've been listening to that CD on a regular basis now :zombie: