If I'll be just honest I have to say:
1: Follow The Reaper
All songs kick ass like 2x more than the in the other albums.
2: Something Wild
Almost as good quality in general, all songs are pretty good.
3&4: Something else (Aydy? or HB)
Both albums have great songs, but I'm tired of HB ones and with Aydy? half of the songs are nothing really special.
5: Hate crew deathroll
Few kick ass songs, some of them even better than in Aydy? but rest of the songs are boring, also there's few alright songs.
Favorite CoB songs:
1: Trashed, lost & strungout
Just so awesome, better than anything I've heard before from CoB.
2: Hate me!
Somehow awesome, also I don't give a fuck if you hate me.
3: Follow the reaper
Something almost as good as the ones above.
4: Needled 24/7
Awesome song, getting bit bored but still it's a nice one.
5: You're better off dead (or possibly Northern comfort or deadnight warrior or Bodom Beach terro or something else...)
It's so...something unexplainable, I love the style in it, going so fast that it feels like I'm falling off of it
Favorite album covers:
1: Something wild
Somehow so epic, feels like it can relate to all of it's songs, especially the secret Tlaaod solo (I think it's played in Cry before Hcdr while Alexi has somekind of "speech"

2: Are You Dead Yet?
It's just abit cool with the greenish text and all, I like it.
Reminds me of Ybod and the city scenery is cool.
4: Follow the reaper
Has a mysterious feeling...but that's it.
5: Hate Breeder
It's just boring, "whattefuckareyoustaringathuh?"
I quess that's it...