Favorite and Least Favorite Vocalists?

Haha, thats okay :p They're there if ya ever change your mind haha.

good stuff. old school emocore = tits. what I don't like is the wave of fashioncore bands appropriating emo as their genre.

to me, emo is Rites Of Spring, Embrace, Dag Nasty, The Promise Ring and Grey Matter and stuff like that.
And I'm supposed to take your "opinion" seriously? :Smug:

You just have no taste in anything that the majority dislikes.

he is a decent drummer, but he is not even on the same planet as

- richard christy
- pete sandoval
- mike portnoy
- Bobby Jarzombek (spastic ink)
- george kollias
- Tomás Corn
- steve flynn
- mike smith
etc... etc... etc...

and you are wrong with your assertion that I merely "follow the crowd". I listen to alot of shit that is not all that well liked here (necrophagist, modern prog rock/metal like ayreon, etc...)