Favorite Black Metal Song


The Unjesus
Jul 9, 2011
Churning Sea of Absu
Share your favorites. Mine is Dunkelheit by far. I feel like I'm listening to my soul speak. I had a life changing experience listening to this song when I was high.[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bm-kdLwBVc"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Bm-kdLwBVc[/ame]
Can't choose just one:

Dissection - Soulreaper
Darkthrone - In the Shadow of the Horns
Behexen - Blessed be the Darkness
Mörk Gryning - Tusen År Har Gått
Bathory - Sacrifice
Difficult to pick just one...

I've always loved these:

Emperor - Curse You All Men
Immortal - The Sun No Longer Rises
Burzum - Det Som En Gang Var
Marduk - With Satan and Victorious Weapons

But seriously, Dunkelheit is definitely up there for me as well. "Det Som Engang Var" is probably my ultimate favorite though.
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5.) WIITR- I Will Lay Down My Bones Among The Rocks and Roots
4.) Drudkh- Only the Wind Remember's My Name
3.) Graveland- Barbarism Returns
2.) Drudkh-Furrows of Gods
1.) Burzum- Det Som En Gang Var
Emperor - Into the Infinity of Thoughts
Burzum - Inn i slottet fra droemmen
Borknagar - Dauden
Negura Bunget - III
Mayhem - Cursed in Eternity
Hirilorn - Haunted Castle of Rising Solitude

Black metal is the best music.
Watain - Devil's Blood
Mayhem - Every song on De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Setherial - Enemy of Creation
Gorgoroth - Projetens Upenbaring
Emperor - Curse You All Men! / Inno A Satana
Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Ulver - I Troldskog Faren Vild
Windir - Aetti Morkna
Gris - Le Gala Des Gens Heureux
Dimmu Borgir - Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen
Negura Bunget - Dacia Hiperboreana