Favorite Bloodbath songs


But the fact they actually went for a different sound has nothing to do with it. No matter what, both albums were from Bloodbath, correct? So you Can compare the 2 albums on how they were made. Maybe not the logic you silly Eastern Canadians use but it seems right too me.
Anybody else willing to stupidly attack? How about you all calm the fuck down with your pride BS. You're sitting on an internet forum. I suggest you respect peoples opinions. It's all you really have.
Anybody else willing to stupidly attack? How about you all calm the fuck down with your pride BS. You're sitting on an internet forum. I suggest you respect peoples opinions. It's all you really have.

Jesus Christ! You get offended so easily! I was just trying to give an explanation of why the guitar sound from RTC differs so much from NMF and why you shouldn't try to compare them. Go ahead and don't like RTC but respect MY opinion that they can't be compared; most of the people here would agree. You're like a fucking teenage drama queen
Yeah. I honestly prefer the more modern take with old-school elements within it. That's why NMF = perfection for me,

Anybody know of other bands who have done this?
If you want pure dedication to the old school...Repugnant - Epitome Of Darkness

I can not support that band/album enough...

Also check out Deathevokation.