Favorite Comedy?


Nov 19, 2001
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So, what is everybodies favorite comedy? Not a metal question- but we need a little lightness around here. Maybe Include your fave quote from the movie, if you have one.
Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail...

Arthur-The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest samite held aloft Excaliber from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to hold Excaliber. THAT IS WHY I AM YOUR KING!!!

Dennis- Listen, strange women lying in ponds and distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

Arthur-Be quiet!

Dennis-You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!


Dennis-If I went around, calling myself an emporer, just because some moistened bink lobbed a schimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Arthur- I said BE QUIET!!!

*Arthur starts kicking Dennis rather pathetically.*

Dennis-Oh, now we see the violence inherited in they system. *Calling out to people* Come see the violence inherited in the system! Help Help, I'm being repressed!

Arthur-Bloody peseant!

Actually, the whole movie is my favorite part...

By the way, all of those lines were off the top of my head, and I haven't seen the movie in a few months. If anything is wrong with it, I'd be glad if somebody could point out the mistakes...
Hmm I'm gonna go with stand up comedians on this.

Eddie Izard! CAKE OR DEATH!?

Stephen Lynch! Come on, he's got that song about Dungeons and Dragons and If I Were Gay is just a classic...

Dan Cook! Ah... who could forget this guy and his impression of Alien?

There are tons more, but right now I'm downloading all of those on Kazaa! :)
Oh well....


Up In Smoke
Nice Dreams
Office Space
Holy Grail
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 & 2
Spinal Tap
Citizen Toxie
Terror Firmer
Cannibal! The Musical
Evil Dead 2

Tv shows:

Black Books
Gerhard Reinke's Wanderlust
All in the Family
Speaking of Denis Leary- did anyone see THE JOB?- it was on ABC and COmedy Central Last Year- it was hilarious- and they cancelled it.

DId anyone see Seinfeld on his last tour? I did and he had the best timing I have ever seen in a stand up comic- he was incredibly good.

I'm a huge Chevy Chase fan- pretty much any old 80's Chevy movie.

Back to School is a classic- Rodney Dangerfield- and Old School copied most of Back to School- and it wasnt nearly as funny.
we're metal heads! we dont laugh! thats not trve. haha.

i love standup. some of my favorites are george carlin (a fucking GOD!), lewis black, and carlos mencia. anyone who is angry and pissed off pretty much
Man :OMG: .... ya'll fergot the kings :D

Cheech and Chong - Big Bambu, The Wedding Album, Up In Smoke, Nice Dreams,...etc if you've never heard their stuff PLEEEEZE do yurself a favor and check them out

Anything by Benny Hill(nuff said)