Favorite Geetar's?


Aug 12, 2003
Im bored OK,so im gonna ask everyone. Out of all the guitars, past and present Anthrax have used, which are your favorites?

Id have to say, Scotts old white Jackson Rhodes. :headbang: That thing ruled. I want to buy it from him some day. Spitz always had some custom shit too, that one Jackson he had that was cool as fuck, he played during the POT/Killer B's era. I think it was a 10 string Rhodes, black and grey. That thing ruled too.

So whatcha think?
I don't know, I never had the chance to play any of them but the surfcaster he had was kind of cheesy looking. And now I hear he's no longer with Jackson. Why is everyone leaving Jackson endorsements???
Actually you guys can help me. I am a novice guitar learner who is getting his first guitar (acoustic) for Xmas and getting lessons with the plan to eventually get an electric one and amp so I can do some HARD SHREDDIN...

Any advice on what guitar to get (acoustic and electric) and amps as well? My budget is cool as I don't mind spending a wee bit on getting something good that will last me.
i would skip the acoustic and buy an electric guitar straight off,electrics are much easier to play when u are learning.

as far as brands go i have a roland stage amp that ive had for over 10 years,my mate recently bought a roland also,quite cheap and good effects too,as far as electrics just get a cheap one for the first couple years and buy a good one down the track.
Get whatever feels comfertable and sounds good. I remember when I first walked into my first guitar store to buy my first guitar. I was looking though all these guitars and I didnt know shit about anything. I saw this red one and it looked cool. I played it even though I didnt know how to play but it felt right. So don't go by brand name go by feel. By the way the guitar was a "Dean".......RIP DIME