favorite genre of music besides metal?

Different kinds of stuff I just lump as 'electronic'. Future Sound Of London I really like. I also need to check out Radiohead post Kid A, as I fucking love that album >.>

Post-rock...I think I like. And possibly some jazz, or at least jazz influenced stuff. Anything with a good, uh, 'groove' in any genre and I'll almost certainly be interested in it.
For me, i love Classical music.

Some of it i cant really listen to TOO much.. like the 4 hour solo Piano pieces. (they're awesome, i respect them loads, just cant really listen to them, they get a bit boring :p)

..the best classical music for me is the epicness aspect. Game soundtracks are great (Age of Empires etc).. and LOTR music is amazing.

..i also like traditional folk. Celtic, Irish, Finnish, and also a lot of Medieval music.

.. and also Classical Indian music is pretty cool

I also love some ambient styles, eg, Karl Sanders

aaand, Blues. (not the typical 12 bar style).. perfect example:
Gary Moore - The Loner
