Favorite Hangouts Around the World


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I didn't want the 'Books' thread to run amok since we entered pub talk, so here's a thread dedicated to our favorite hangouts.

The Lamb and Flag in Oxford, UK is indeed where Tolkien and CS Lewis used to sit, smoke, drink, and read each others ideas and stories on Middle Earth or Narnia. Anyway, the other cool thing about The Lamb and Flag is that it has these one man drinking booths, so if you just fancy a pint on your own one afternoon and want to read the paper, you can just sit in this booth and chill. The only problem with the pub is that it's on the beaten track and so there's too many people coming and going.

The absolute best drinking place for us was The Turf Tavern in 'old' Oxford. It's a 17th Century pub, found down a tiny cobbled alleyway, with really low tudor ceilings, and a nice beer garden. At christmas, when everything is cold and snowy, the pub sold mulled wine and you can smell the aroma down the streets. It reminds me of how much fun the holiday season is in England.

The alleyway is found just under the Bridge of Sighs - if you don't know it's there, you aint finding it! And so the people who go stay there for the entire night, and you don't get dodgy tourists coming and going.

This is the bridge:


And this is the beer garden / courtyard round the back - you would never even realize its down there from alley way:


Chief B and I drank many a pint of Tetleys bitter in that pub when we were at college. :Smokedev:

Anybody else got some cool places they like to hang out in? Or places they'd like to revisit one day? :Spin:
Man I want to go to England...

Joshua Tree National Park in California is the greatest place in the world. I love the desert, and even I move to the northern ends of Canada to live out my days as a hermit, I will have to make at least one trip a year to Joshua Tree. Honestly, any desert in California or Nevada will do, I absolutely adore the silent beauty of the desert. I can spot a desert rat a mile away, we don't even sweat until the temperature reaches above 120*Farenheit. :D

Riverside Brewing Co. is my local hangout, I love all microbreweries, but this one is only 10 minutes away.

My favorite bar is the Baccarat Bar in the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas, NV. They have a great variety of drinks that are not served anywhere else in the world. They have a drink menu and all their bartenders will let you talk their ear off or do the same to you, good people.
NAD said:
Man I want to go to England...

Plan it with Wacken man. Next year we'll all meet up in London or something before we go to Wacken (via Amsterdam, heh).

I absolutely adore the silent beauty of the desert.

I have to say, we trecked through the Sinai desert in Egypt a few years ago and even made it to the top of Mount Sinai (where Moses supposedly met with that talking bush, heh). Anyway, I have never seen anything as stunning as the sky at night in a desert. I could see every single star, and every shooting star. I just didn't realize how much activity there is up in the night sky - is it like that in all deserts? Is the sky less polluted or something?

My favorite bar is the Baccarat Bar in the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas, NV. They have a great variety of drinks that are not served anywhere else in the world. They have a drink menu and all their bartenders will let you talk their ear off or do the same to you, good people.

Next time I go to Vegas, I'm just going to stay at the Bellagio. It really does put the other casinos to shame. Is the Baccarat Bar the hangout in front of the fountains? Man, the other good thing about the Bellagio is the quality of the birds. So many people fly in for the weekend. The airline industry could survive on Vegas trips alone, I'm sure.
JayKeeley said:
Plan it with Wacken man. Next year we'll all meet up in London or something before we go to Wacken (via Amsterdam, heh).
That's what I'm aiming for!

I can't speak for Sinai (I'm jealous, you bastard :tickled: ) but every desert I have been to, yes. Most are uninhabited so yeah, no real smog to speak of. Especially for a place like Joshua Tree where in many places it's 4000+ elevation.

I think the Baccarat Bar is near the fountains... but it is this little tiny 8 seat or so bar next to a larger lounge area. It doesn't look like anything special but when they hand you the drink menu you realize something is up. The Bellagio overall is quite beautiful, it seems to be the best you can get outside of private invitation only hotels.
NAD said:
I can't speak for Sinai (I'm jealous, you bastard :tickled: )

Well, having that visa stamp to Egypt in my passport has brought me nothing but customs suspicion and INS hold ups! But yeah, back in 97, the world seemed to be a safer place, and I wanted to see the Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings etc.

I think the Baccarat Bar is near the fountains... but it is this little tiny 8 seat or so bar next to a larger lounge area. It doesn't look like anything special but when they hand you the drink menu you realize something is up. The Bellagio overall is quite beautiful, it seems to be the best you can get outside of private invitation only hotels.

OK the bar I was thinking of was the Fontana bar. It has an open balcony to the fountains outside, and often there's a live band playing. It's actually on the casino level. I can't find any pictures of the bars on the web...

...Bellagio has the best casino area too. It's sickening to see how rich some people are, even at the roulette tables.
Well...I could give you a tour of the parks and assorted historical round my area ;) the two parks nearest two me are seeped in history, from their beginnings as cider holes to when we all discovered pot round to when the police started chasing us away...then there is the letter box nearby that was once a popular meeting spot, the local corner shop where we bought our first bottles of cider, the shop where we buy 'em now :loco: ...further afeild is our favourite rock club, and a stone's throw away, the legendary Piss Wall.

Needless to say, I'm keeping it vague so I don't sound like a total wally :lol:
Okay! Firewall at work not allowing me to reply to this thread... (I'm sure this will go through though)
FUCK. Well for some reason, my reply refuses to go through, so here's a synopsis:

Short rant about the stupidity of suspicion being raised because you went to Egypt.

Baccarat Bar on casino level, didn't find any pics.

@ HarmonyDies: any good places to go toward Western Canada? May be driving up there this year.

Damn stupid firewall...
How far western? LIke all the way to BC? I higly recommend checking out Bannf, that's if you like to experience natural beauty. There are millions of nice spots in BC.
If I go I was just going to take the PCH or 5 all the way up, so yeah, I'll be all the way west.

Natural beauty is most definitely my thing, thanks for the suggestion.
Ayeka said:
Well...I could give you a tour of the parks and assorted historical round my area ;) the two parks nearest two me are seeped in history, from their beginnings as cider holes to when we all discovered pot round to when the police started chasing us away...then there is the letter box nearby that was once a popular meeting spot, the local corner shop where we bought our first bottles of cider, the shop where we buy 'em now :loco: ...further afeild is our favourite rock club, and a stone's throw away, the legendary Piss Wall.

Needless to say, I'm keeping it vague so I don't sound like a total wally :lol:

Sounds like Birmingham! :lol:

Hey - you're still at shool/college right? Have you done the day trips to either Boulogne or Calais yet? School trips were always a laugh I thought, heh.
NAD said:
Short rant about the stupidity of suspicion being raised because you went to Egypt.

Ah - it's not worth it man. It's a different world we live in. Anyway, I've got my new appointment with the INS tomorrow so I'm hoping to get my shit sorted out once and for all. But until I have something in writing...

@ HarmonyDies: any good places to go toward Western Canada? May be driving up there this year.

How long is that drive - that's a good weeks worth at least right?

By the way, does anyone know, is all that SARS shit in Toronto cleared up yet? We want to make plans for a trip to Canada soon.
Heh, not if I'm driving. It takes me about 7 hours to get to San Francisco (including an hour at Denny's), and that's around 1/3 of the way to Seattle, not far from the border. With coffee I could make Canada in a day, but I'd take two to enjoy the trip. :)
Let's see what Mapquest says... around 3000 miles.

I could do it in 3 days with coffee, or 5-6 days to enjoy it. :)
By the way, another cool hangout is Global Chillage in Amsterdam. It's a cafe where everyone sits on the floors on big cushions, they have a DJ playing trip-hop and ambient trance, and they even have a couple of strobes in there. Pretty funny when you compare to other cafes in Amsterdam.

Anyway, worth checking out for the huge bong sessions alone. They normally have one going round the place that everyone dives into. And next door is a hologram store where they sell things like sunglasses with hologram eyeballs on the lenses. Wearing those whilst smoking seriously adds to the hysteria...