Favorite Hangouts Around the World

1989 - Chief B, his brother, his friend, and myself were on our way to see Bon Jovi at the Milton Keynes bowl. Well, we were 19 and it was the 80's.

Anyway, on the train station, two guys came up to us and demanded some money. They were both black and dressed with the bling bling, and a couple of big clocks around their necks because Public Enemy were big at the time. The weirder thing was, they were kids and one of them even had an arm in a caste. He must've broken it...

No way were we going to give them money, but Chief B handed out some coinage. :lol: It was funny because he was actually counting out the coins as he handed them over, but at the time, we were shitting ourselves in case they had knives or something. Perhaps even more friends hiding round the corner?

After it all died down, later on, we were wondering what would have happened had we just kicked the shit out of them (it would have been easy), but Chief B's brother's friend mentioned that he'd "rather swallow pride than blood". :lol:

We laugh now, but muggings are pretty scary.
"rather swallow pride than blood"

Them there some wise words.

I always liked to hang out at the Jack-in-the-Box but eat at Taco Bell myself....... sorry, bad Primus impersonation. :)
JayKeeley said:
1989 - Chief B, his brother, his friend, and myself were on our way to see Bon Jovi at the Milton Keynes bowl. Well, we were 19 and it was the 80's....

Reminds me of a story I was told...

...this guy I know from the rock club used to live in Birmingham, and got mugged by three blacks once. One held him back while the other went through his pockets and took a fiver. After they had gone he checked his pocket, and found a ring in there that must've slipped off the guy's finger as he went through his jeans. Dude took it to a second-hand shop and got £15 for it! :lol:
How far western? LIke all the way to BC? I higly recommend checking out Bannf, that's if you like to experience natural beauty. There are millions of nice spots in BC.

Banff simply blew my mind. They have a cozy little Irish pub in the center of town which was an absolute treat to dine in. Well that was until Mike almost went in to anaphylactic shock in the bathroom. :lol:

Fuck pretty much any thing Irish related grabs me by the wazoo. Irish Embassy in Toronto was nice. Their Hoegaardens come served in barrel sized glasses. (24-32oz) :kickass: We also ventured to Limerick's on multiple occasions last month in Calgary. Irish Pub grub for the win! :kickass:
The Lamb and Flag in Oxford, UK is indeed where Tolkien and CS Lewis used to sit, smoke, drink, and read each others ideas and stories on Middle Earth or Narnia. Anyway, the other cool thing about The Lamb and Flag is that it has these one man drinking booths, so if you just fancy a pint on your own one afternoon and want to read the paper, you can just sit in this booth and chill. The only problem with the pub is that it's on the beaten track and so there's too many people coming and going.

The absolute best drinking place for us was The Turf Tavern in 'old' Oxford. It's a 17th Century pub, found down a tiny cobbled alleyway, with really low tudor ceilings, and a nice beer garden. At christmas, when everything is cold and snowy, the pub sold mulled wine and you can smell the aroma down the streets. It reminds me of how much fun the holiday season is in England.

The alleyway is found just under the Bridge of Sighs - if you don't know it's there, you aint finding it! And so the people who go stay there for the entire night, and you don't get dodgy tourists coming and going.

This is the bridge:


And this is the beer garden / courtyard round the back - you would never even realize its down there from alley way:


Chief B and I drank many a pint of Tetleys bitter in that pub when we were at college. :Smokedev:

Anybody else got some cool places they like to hang out in? Or places they'd like to revisit one day? :Spin:

This is about 99% of the reason that I made that "So I'm going to London" thread. could have possibly hit up some of these locations. but i'm going home tomorrow morning.
The Celt pub in Dublin. fucking hole in the wall, ancient looking pub. love it.

and a bench on top of a hill overlooking a lake in Killarney, Ireland for just pure serenity.