Favorite Italian bands...

you have no life because every post you have is just there to kiss ass to everything he has to say...very unoriginal

it is the internet yes, and no,im not embarassing myself because you are the only 2 cock smokers who think so...

and now that i think about it, i dont monologue in person, because its a waste of time...and no intelligence is not a lightbulb that goes on and off...but giving a shit is, and i dont really give a shit what you think

again..no life, so you sit here and browse through a forum for shits and giggles, but you figure..hmm i have nothing better to do so let me agree with this nerd, and copy his internet persona to dry to insult and "embarass" these

and no, not really....get a clue, your the only one whos embarassing themself
Prognostic said:
pathetic. come back when you support your own claims.

You said something? What haven't I supported? Why don't you go in depth and analyse my claims individually, then look at the evidence i've noted to support them. You might have the untighten the straps on your helmet first.
Nothinggod said:
Man this idiot is beyond hope. Originally he posted "I am a lawyer". Somehow I'm not supprised he retracted that obvious falsehood. Anyone seen "My Cousin Vinny"? What the hell is "retarted"? Holy shit son, go and buy a fucking dicitonary, you are so illiterate it is painful to read what you write. What a loser.

yea it was meant to be sarcasm, but a moron like you would'nt understand it...just because you have an obsession with proper punctuation and grammer on a fucking forum, doesnt mean everyone else must have one. you seriously are a tool...i clearly made a claim and supported it but noooooooo i must still be wrong because im not you..pity
Led Opeth said:
you have no life because every post you have is just there to kiss ass to everything he has to say...very unoriginal

it is the internet yes, and no,im not embarassing myself because you are the only 2 cock smokers who think so...

and now that i think about it, i dont monologue in person, because its a waste of time...and no intelligence is not a lightbulb that goes on and off...but giving a shit is, and i dont really give a shit what you think

again..no life, so you sit here and browse through a forum for shits and giggles, but you figure..hmm i have nothing better to do so let me agree with this nerd, and copy his internet persona to dry to insult and "embarass" these

and no, not really....get a clue, your the only one whos embarassing themself

You really showed me up one with this one, disproving everything I said about you. Can you do me a favour though? Can you record yourself and put it on a website saying "da tew utes?"

You give a shit alright, look at you. Post after post of, "lol ur a faggit, u have no life, ur sad, no-one likes u". See I am not here to make friends of idiots like you. On the other hand I won't tolerate your insubordination you inferior spec of smeared human faeces. Now there is an insult for you.
Led Opeth said:
yea it was meant to be sarcasm, but a moron like you would'nt understand it...just because you have an obsession with proper punctuation and grammer on a fucking forum, doesnt mean everyone else must have one. you seriously are a tool...i clearly made a claim and supported it but noooooooo i must still be wrong because im not you..pity
Well obviously it would have been sarcasm. There was fuck all hope of anyone taking you literally. By the way I do believe that in any legal document they are quite picky about correct spelling and grammar which only makes your sarcasm all the more. What an idiot, even mocks himself. I doubt he knows how though. Being sarcastic of yourself, what a laugh.
Well, you see little one, unlike you. I don't really feel that I need to be accepted by a group of absolute morons akin to you and your ilk, nor do I seek approval from them.

but it seems like you speak to a crowd?...who are you talking to if not trying to seek approval?

and again, read what i typed
just because you have an obsession with proper punctuation and grammer on a fucking forum, doesnt mean everyone else must have one.

so where do you get grammar on a legal document from?, did i say "i never use proper punctuation or grammar"...no i didnt so just shut up already, your making a douche of yourself
Did you bore yourself in the process too? How else could you know? I don't know but anyone that was educated enough to be a lawyer would have had to turn in enough papers at lawschool and also have enough correctly syntaxed documents as part of their line of work that it would be ridiculous to think that they would use the kind of grammar or spelling that you use here under any circumstances.

Don't pretend to be in any position to call me predicatable little one. I have already summarised 99% of your 751 posts. " lol, gay, noob, lol, yur, tard, lol" You are banal. I am done with you, gimp.
Nothinggod said:
This kid is obviously a lawyer in his 'real life' you can see by his trial winning suppositions. "Your honour, my client is innocent, the prosecution are clearly all faggots sucking each other off". Mensa quality right there.

Led Opeth said:
...what fucking assumptions lol, you two have to be fucking retarted i swear

Nothinggod said:
Did you bore yourself in the process too? How else could you know? I don't know but anyone that was educated enough to be a lawyer would have had to turn in enough papers at lawschool and also have enough correctly syntaxed documents as part of their line of work that it would be ridiculous to think that they would use the kind of grammar or spelling that you use here under any circumstances.

Don't pretend to be in any position to call me predicatable little one. I have already summerised 99% of your 751 posts. " lol, gay, noob, lol, yur, tard, lol" You are banal. I am done with you, gimp.

By law school, he meant he watches The People's Court religiously on tv. Ain't that right Judge Wapner?
Nothinggod said:

Main Entry: sup·po·si·tion
Pronunciation: "s&-p&-'zi-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English supposicioun, from Anglo-French supposicion, from Late Latin supposition-, suppositio, from Latin, act of placing beneath, from supponere
1 : something that is supposed : HYPOTHESIS
2 : the act of supposing

Entry Word: supposition
Function: noun
Text: 1 an idea that is the starting point for making a case or conducting an investigation <my supposition is that this grape variety, which flourishes in southern France, should do equally well here, given the similar climate> -- see THEORY
2 an opinion or judgment based on little or no evidence <it's pure supposition that there's something illegal going on next door> -- see CONJECTURE
3 something taken as being true or factual and used as a starting point for a course of action or reasoning <worthless genetic research that was based on the erroneous supposition that acquired characteristics can be passed on to offspring> -- see ASSUMPTION

so why the F?...your a fool, go fuck youself
In the context it was given a supposition is not synonymous with an assumption. A supposition is an hypothesis. An assumption is the conclusion drawn from that hypothesis. So once again you Fail

Let's not forget though, you can't even tell the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. You are hardly in a position to pick bones with me about word context and definition.

[edit] After consideration, something I know is an alien concept to you, I will concede that my post contatined both a supposition and an assumption. The assumption being the client's innocence, the supposition being that it was based on the ad hominem of the prosecution all being "faggots sucking each other off". You still Fail.
localloadie said:
Sure it was, you retracted it afterwards though.
your just a sorry copycat..and a failure at that, what i said was "yes i am a lawyer" which was obviously sarcasm.., still no mention of law school lol, hes gonna need some serious fiber to get your head out of his ass