Favorite Italian bands...

and nothinggod....Your're still an idiot who doesnt grasp the concept that i do understand the differences between your and you're, but clearly couldnt care less about proper punctuation or grammar on this forum
it seems that your allowed to start arguements and derail threads if you use proper punctuation lol

edit: anyways...how about those italian bands?
Led Opeth said:
and nothinggod....Your're still an idiot who doesnt grasp the concept that i do understand the differences between your and you're, but clearly couldnt care less about proper punctuation or grammar on this forum

Your're?...Anyway as I said before, I don't really care that you are illiterate. The point is, I can see how someone who does pay attention to detail and has anything more to say than the passing,** worthless gibberish you type is a threat to you. As for derailing threads, don't waffle on with your nonsense. It seems people like you have this common theme about being entitled to an opinion and yet as soon as anyone either challenges or opposes that opinion you rave on with shit that has absolutely nothing to do with the subject at all in the form of personal attacks and insults. The fact you end up being called a moron or retard as a result should come as no supprise.

As for localloadie being up my arse, it's amazing how you and the rest of the morons on this forum band together to support each other like a swarm of mental midgets but if someone agrees with me they must have a homosexual liking for me. Your ability to use logical analysis is astounding. Does that mean though that you are having a mental midget gangbang?

Speaking of logical analysis and locallodie, though. It doesn't take a genius to conclude that if someone is a lawyer that they also went to lawschool. Therefore the statement "I am a lawyer" is also implicitly stating "I went to lawschool".

So once again you get a big fat F

[edit] ** I originally typed "practically worthless" But I am yet to see this buffoon say anything of value about anything ever.

Led Opeth said:
your just a sorry copycat..and a failure at that, what i said was "yes i am a lawyer" which was obviously sarcasm.., still no mention of law school lol, hes gonna need some serious fiber to get your head out of his ass

Do you even know what sarcasm is? You do realise that by saying "I am a lawyer" in a sarcastic context that you are actually undermining yourself? I did tell you before though that there is no possible way anyone would have taken that literally, so yes it was obvious.
Nothinggod said:
I have already summerised 99% of your 751 posts. " lol, gay, noob, lol, yur, tard, lol" You are banal. I am done with you, gimp.

Sorry to nit pick, but seeing as you're so pedantic about these things, I'd like to point out a minor spelling error. Unless of course you mean that you just prepared 99% of his posts for summer... which I doubt.:goggly:
everyone and especially led opeth: there is no winning, they feed on your responses. you have to ignore them and soon they will leave salivating and spitting aspersions...but they will leave anyways to terrorize another forum.

look here if you need further information:


here's an excerpt from the site:

"What Can be Done about Trolls?
When you suspect that somebody is a troll, you might try responding with a polite, mild message to see if it's just somebody in a bad mood. Internet users sometimes let their passions get away from them when seated safely behind their keyboard. If you ignore their bluster and respond in a pleasant manner, they usually calm down.

However, if the person persists in being beastly, and seems to enjoy being unpleasant, the only effective position is summed up as follows:

The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.

When you try to reason with a troll, he wins. When you insult a troll, he wins. When you scream at a troll, he wins. The only thing that trolls can't handle is being ignored."

so do as the site says.
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The point being? I can pretty much preempt this idiotic rant, but by all means do proceed with your inept conclusions. You kids are like a swarm of angry ants attacking a bulldozer that just ran over your nest.
i've never understood the deep burning hatred for Lacuna Coil here. OK, so Karmacode was repetetive and boring. What always seems to be ignored is the fact that Unleashed Memories and In a Reverie are some of the best CDs to every be released by a female fronted metal band.

This is my first post. And due to the lack of maturity here, this will probably be my last.
Don Corleone said:
but i still have a feeling that you will be reading this reply: lacuna coil = gay

in a reverie? "circle of regret"???

I suppose I could retalliate, but you seem to be enjoying yourself quite a good deal. After all, I used the expression "gay", to describe something that I dislike when I was 12 as well.
metal_wrath said:
You could do a lot worse than Lacuna Coil, and Cristina Scabbia is a very good singer. Although there musical direction is very narrow...

^ Btw, welcome to the forum!
Ha. Thanks. I actually only lurk here, I just felt compelled to pop in and make a random post. So I guess that means that me having an account here is pretty much pointless...

You can much worse than LC. Anyone who has ever listened to Forever Slave knows exactly what I'm talking about.
Mallori said:
I suppose I could retalliate, but you seem to be enjoying yourself quite a good deal. After all, I used the expression "gay", to describe something that I dislike when I was 12 as well.

yes i did enjoy myself and i actually have grown a serious antipathy towards people who complain about the "level of maturity" on the forum and still come to post. how ironic.
and out of that group, you are the first one i have witnessed to do that on their very first post. there's no reason to be THAT hostile on your first post.