Favorite metal guitar tone?


New Metal Member
May 22, 2012
Minas Morgul
Whens the last time we have had one of these threads? I hope this will go a bit longer than the usual backline thread since when I listen to music if it doesn't have good guitar I usually just turn it off, so obviously guitar tone is crucial for metal. This isn't the "which gear on this album" thread but it helps if we know what anything is recorded with...

Three of my favorite tones

From what I know, the Aborted record was recorded a Marshall 8100 and Mesa Dual Rectifier, the decapitated record with a dual rectifier and a crate excalibur, and the Dying Fetus with a Engl Savage.

I'm anxious to hear what overs think, as i'm probably the only death metal head who posts here :lol:
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I can honestly say I have no articular "favorite metal tone" as it's clearly not a one size fits all type opinion. The tone has to fit the music - you can't simply take say the Aborted tone above and apply it to say a Maiden tune and vice versa. While many of those are good examples of a tone for that particular band - I'd rue the day I'd have to listen to any of them on every metal record. Variety truly is the spice of life at least when it comes to music and guitar tone ;)
Some faves:

Testament - The Gathering

Opeth - Orchid

Carcass - Heartwork

Gojira - Infant Sausage

The Crown - Death Race King

Ihsahn - After

Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Aye, I agree with Jind, although a few of my favourites.

For a super huge wall of sound type metal tone, it's got to be Supercrush! - DTP

For a super mechanical tight sound, Mental Breakdown - Cilice is pretty awesome. Love the snare too.

And for full on crushing brutality, Ocean Planet - Gojira. Or anything from 'From Mars To Sirius' really.

But yeah, for a lot of mixes, it's just as much in the bass tone as it is in the guitars.
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