Favorite Metal Lyrics?

Jean-Pierre said:
Oh hell yes. Martin Walkyier owned on the lyrical helm, on the "Dreamweaver" album especially.
True, and I also love the lyrics for "Wayward Sons of Mother Earth."

"Financial wizards read their spells from filofaxes
Concrete hells of their own making pass for Avalon.
These men self-made by shrewd investing spend their weekends child-molesting,
Lost in 'green-belt' dreams they do no wrong.
Your mortgage payment rocket--
Like your blood pressure rising,
Executive stresses are the dragons you fight.
In your Armani armour you are practically shining,
So have no code of honour--you must always be right."


The heaves are lit by the stars where years of secrets of universal
forces lay hid. They shine so bright, but yet they have seen more evil
than time itself. Reflected in the deepless lakes they are drowning in
black elements. They are the planetary keys to unlimited wisom and
power for the Emperor to obtain.They being the gods of the wolves whom
upon they bark at night, requesting their next victim in thirst of
blood. I enjoy those moments I may haunt with these beats of the night.
What kinds of beings are existing at the deeps of my lakes? They
surely must be of an evil race, for no friendly thing can live in such
depressive waters. Here is also a planet similar to the moon, but its
phases is only one and it is in its most powerful for all and ever...
There passes no light without the barking of the wolves. All these
landscapes are timeless, and this is all just a part of cosmos, but
all is mine and past and future is yet to discover... Much have been
discovered, but tomorrow I will realise I existed before myself. I
will be reborn before I die. I will realise planets ages old, created
by a rules with a crown of dragon claws, arrived with a stargate...
Ulver-Hymn VIII

Her lamb-like nature left him not untouch'd. By Magick she was bound to the beast within him. These soules twain enforced one's end. Payne anew from woe of olde, a Tragedie of endlesse dayes. Insatiable, the thirst. Inconceivable, the lust. Wild & mad he hunts in anguish black at heart. The winter's colde soon fulfill'd-and his yearning towards a winter's night. Wandering alone, the wolf.

Emperor-An Elegy of Icaros

Icaros, I dare you. For I possess the wings of faith. Though, heavy on my shoulders (no measurement can prove their weight). Still, a burden are they not to me. I am the challenger of gravity.
The fear is not the fate I seek. My destiny will build upon the mighty turbulence beyond. If I fall, I will rise again.
Arcturus - Star-Crossed

All dreams end here
where our cries began
resounding to museums
of a world we believed

Winds - Continuance

Darkness falls into my world
As I breathe in the essence of life
I clench to my spirit in wonder
As I take in this end of mine

Opeth - Dirge For November

Lost, here is nowhere
Searching home still
Turning past me, all are gone
Time is now
The omen showed, took me away
Preparations are done, this can't last
The mere reflection brought disgust
No ordeal to conquer, this firm slit
It sheds upon the floor, dripping into a pool
Grant me sleep, take me under
Like the wings of a dove, folding around
I fade into this tender care
Thyrfing "Ångestens Högborg"
I en kvalmfylld andlig öken har jag sett dem gå
Drabbade av själasoten, håglösa, med ilska i synen
Det är som sorgen aldrig skulle lämna deras ögon
Som om sinnet hade svartnat för evigt

Sammanträngda på ytor små
Lager på lager (I boningar grå) - i ångestens högborg
Under jorden hastar de - jagande sökande: ingenting finnande
Varför stannar de aldrig upp?

Innan ni er fredliga gömma finner
I susande lundar tvingas även ni till vila
Inte en stillsam undran - en rasande fråga
Varför stannar ni aldrig upp?

Oändligt upplyst - för alltid höljd i mörker
Inga stjärnor ser jag lysa här
Vilka skalder dikta i denna dimma?
Vilka målare sina verk här färgar?

Oändligt upplyst - för alltid höljd i mörker
Inga stjärnor ser jag lysa här
Vilka målare sina verk här färgar?
The lyrics from Vehemence - "God Was Created" are shweet. Gotta love the whole psychopathic rape and murder theme. Here's my fave:

Fantasy From Pain

Night breeze stiffens my muscles, trees bend in the street light
Leaves rustle by ominously, a chill quakes through my mind
Though tear drenched eye I witness, this innocents demise
The heavy hand of her father, her virginal flesh defiled

My hand moves to my scrotum, not wanting to enjoy
But the pulsating heat of my passion, I can feel on my inner thigh
Peering through the bushes, to the dimly lit room inside
Desecration of a young girl, makes me wish she was my bride
Now I must venture further, into this shrine of pain
To satisfy my suffering, and end this creatures demise.

Now its my turn, I make my way into
this foul environment
His dick slips out, in utter dismay
his gaze meets with mine
My actions swift, as I push him to the floor
this man will have to die
His daughter panting, crouched in terror
they both await my next move....

Reflecting on my actions, I understand what must now happen
Concentrating my weight into my knee, I drop upon his face
My erection is persistent, so I turn and peer downwards
Laying in a pool of vaginal fluid, I approach my victim

Regret! Sorrow!
Sadness! Aching for my death....

The pulsing flesh under me, I can't fulfill my urges
Stepping out of myself and letting the hate control
Quivering in such ecstasy, my thoughts now wander

Into a void, another plane, a heightened state of mind
Driven into this negativity and exploring

Surprisingly she cannot feel my hands around her neck, or my death sinking into her....


Her Jesus embraces touching, her breast tenderly
with a light push he enters, her swollen lips

But looming in the back of her mind
the knowledge that her Jesus is dead
I don't think anyone has mentioned this but Demilich have some extremely strange lyrics but they're good for what they are. Fits the music perfectly as well.

(Within) The Chamber Of Whispering Eyes

Lie... Walls full of eyes Staring you, whispering lies You're not justified
to die But they want you to eat yourself alive Punished in the Chamber of
Eyes "Show your allegiance. Munch yourself, be our servant forever"
Forever... With tears in your eyes you start to masticate Those whispering
eyes, no more silent, laughing at your fate
Fucking best lyrics EVER!

"One More Tool in the Shed" by Harakiri

During times most would consider the low points within a low life: waking up in jail, losing a fight, cohabitating with a whore, a certain something has defiantly given me comfort, not necessarily happiness. A lot like a gyroscopic implement that enforces a balance and as of yet I have never grieved. One of the various virtuous symptoms? The building blocks of a bad motherfucker? No, just one more tool in the shed. It helped me through streets. It helped me through wars and with hangover's agonizing withdraw, comfortable with no need for a home and in the hospital bed it helped me. Waking up in a shady hotel room in a town I just met the night before. Baggy bloodshot eyes look back through a cracked mirror grinning at it all. Whether one is born into fortune or hungry for most of his days, ugly or not, with or without talents or even intelligence, what matters most is how well you walk through the fire. Even our life's bare necessities can disappear very suddenly. It's all built on a foundation of sand. What matters most is how well you walk through the fire.
Although not a favorite band of mine, Grip Inc. worte the song with the best lyrics.

Pathetic Liar.
Does a trusting face, reflect its heart?
shaking hands or breaking wrists?
life's all a lie
stealing glory from the hearts of other
stood facing mirrors
reflections thrashing in disbelief
vile, crass, guant, ashen-faced
cringing, srawling, hiding in disgrace
shedding skin, changing face
snake-eyed, never making sense
blinded with conceit
lost in total paranoia
fallacies in judgements
but no open regret
in winter winds
or summer breeze
the only truth is fear
pitiful, dismal, spiteful, parasite
vile, crass, guant, ahen-faced
cringing, crawling, hiding in disgrace

Also the song Strippers by Body COunt has the best chorus ever recorded. STRIPPPPPERS-I WANT MY DICK SUCKED!
Warrant - Cherry Pie

Dirty, Rotten, Filthy, Stinky

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie
Heh Heh
Well swinging on the front porch
Swinging on the lawn
Swinging where we want
Cause there ain't nobody home
Swingin' to the left and
Swingin' to the right
I think about baseball
I'll swing all night, yeah
Yeah, yeah - huh!

Swingin in the living room
Swingin' in the kitchen
Most folks don't
Cause they're too busy bitchin'
Swingin' in there
Cause she wanted me to feed her
So I mixed up the batter
And she licked the beater

I scream, you scream,
We all scream for her
Don't even try
Cause you can't ignore her

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie
Oh yeah

She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie
Yeah sweet cherry pie

Swingin to the drums
Swingin to guitar
Swingin to the bass in the back of my car
Ain't got money, ain't got no gas
Get where were goin if we swing real fast

I scream, you scream,
We all scream for her
Don't even try
Cause you can't ignore her

She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good make a grown man cry
Sweet cherry pie
Oh yeah

She's my cherry pie
Put a smile on your face
Ten miles wide
Looks so good
Bring a tear to your eye
Sweet cherry pie
Yeah sweet cherry pie

Swing it
All night long
Swing it
Hey, hey, Ow!

I'm a trained professional
Swingin' in the bathroom
Swingin' on the floor
Swingin' so hard
Forgot to lock the door
In walks her daddy
Standin' six foot four
Said, "You ain't gonna swing
with my daughter no more."

Sweet Cherry Pie
Yeah! Huh!
Swing it!
Windir - Todeswalzer

Dying with sorrow not in hand, Welcoming my gods, an equal I am
A travel awaits before me, Encircled as a God, dead as a man
An era has now ended, But a new era will come
While my destiny fulfits itself, I glance at the world with wisdom from the end
My efforts will now be rewarded, As I enter Kingdom Come
My hate will now get fatal for those that disapproved me once
With my misanthropic these soon brought to life
I'll see an definite end for week, feeble minds
As I die I'll go further, further than any other man
To obtain powers and wisdom as a God from the other end
My death will be revenged with fury of the damned
My eternal life will be praised by the gods at the end.
I have to admit anything epic or storytelling I'm a sucker for, that being said.

Symphony X's: Odyssey 24 minutes of epic prog metaly goodness
(18 minutes actually have lyrics)
Iron Maiden - The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner although they're very similar to the novel so it's not very original.

Slayer - Angel Of Death's lyrics are very well constructed and very effective.

Carcass - Heartwork uses probably the most intellectual lyrics which show a good understanding of linguistic concepts.

There are lots of other first class lyrics which I havn't mentioned including a lot of Czech Doom.