Favorite Opeth Album???

Oct 28, 2005
Crewe, England
I go through phases of which I listen to most , but I always seem to come back to either Still Life or My Arms Your Hearse but I can never decide which one I like more, for example I was asked if I could take one album and never listen to anything else for eternity I just couldnt be arsed to decide purely because it hurt my head too much.
So, if YOU could only listen to one Opeth album for eternity which one would it be???

(my spelling sucks ignore it)
Still Life or MAYH? I'd take Still Life... but not really. I have no idea, they're both my favorites.
My Arms, Your Hearse. This is the perfect album. It took me a while to fully appreciate it, but I'm certainly glad I kept giving it repeated listens. This album definitely has one of the darker, more somber moods out of all their albums. And I think that this album is easily Mikael's best in terms of vocal performance. After My Arms, Your Hearse, next in line is Morningrise.
This could be the most difficult question ever...

but I will say Blackwater Park...

its got it all, with perfect production quality...
opethoid said:
To me, they all have great re-playability, so its a tough choice for me, MAYH is in the lead right now.

I meant compared to the rest of the albums its replayability is the highest for me.
Toss up between MAYH, Still Life and Deliverance. It literally changes by the day
I did not even read any responses. Just do a damn search. The responces will be the same as they were an hour ago!
If it HAD to be one album for eternity, I would go with Blackwater Park with the 2 bonus tracks. This is opeths finest work interms of all around musicianship and quality.