Favorite Pyramaze Songs You Want to Hear at Prog Power USA?

Wow, I don't check the forum for few days and all the sudden I'm the topic of conversation. (Shit, better get that botox before PP....)
And musmaze- no offense taken- you actually made my day! Did you know I'm a grandma too???
PyramazeGuitar said:

Judging from Jonah's obvious "virtual blushing" I could imagine what a GILF could be:
Girl I'd Like to ......... :lol:


no ok, here it is. it's a variation of Milf which means mom I'd like to.... But since you said you were a grandma, it means ........
pyramazekeyboardist said:
no ok, here it is. it's a variation of Milf which means mom I'd like to.... But since you said you were a grandma, it means ........

bwa-ha-ha-ha!! dude - you're just to much!! (to much man that is!) :D
