Favorite Sitcom


Married With Children is totally overrated imo, it gets old fast. Best ever is ofcourse Spin City! (old school episodes mainly).
The Peep Show.

The only American show of this nature I've ever really liked is Californication. So many American shows are awful. ;<
Shit. After posting about The Peep Show I went to check when the next series would be coming out and saw that they're making an American version. Wtf is with all these American remakes? It's almost as bad as remakes of classic films/Hollywood churning out the same shit over and over.
I generally do not care for your standard fourth-wall-removed sitcoms, but there are some really good single camera comedy's.

30 Rock and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia are both good.

As for The Office, I find myself laughing more at the American version, but the original British version was of much higher quality I was more invested in the story and characters. I found it to have, perhaps, more artistic merit than any other television comedy that I've ever seen.

Ricky Gervais also did a really great job with Extras. I'm not sure if I'd say it was quite as good as The Office, but I found it to be funnier. Again, you start the show thinking the protagonist is a total jackass, you begin to dislike him, later you feel bad for him, then you really feel bad for him, then you root for him when he redeems himself. Both Andy Millman and David Brent have these really emotional, cathartic final episodes. Just awesome.
Seinfeld, Extras.

I also am a big fan of Frisky Dingo (I know, I know, it isn't a sitcom).
The Jackie Thomas show ftw! It was put out near the end of the Roseanne Show run. It starred Tom Arnold as an unstable and kinda dumb, but powerful sitcom star. Hilarious. It didn't last a whole season.

I also liked Still Standing. It was a pretty standard sitcom about a family, but what was funny was the parents had grown up in the 80's and were often less responsible than the kids.

Happy Days


30 Rock