Favorite Sitcom

for me, the only sitcom worth watching is Allo' Allo!

for me, the only sitcom worth watching is Allo' Allo!
(allo allo pic)

^ true, sitcoms of that era are great.

Arrested Development is up there too..
Gob: "sh sh should the guy in the 3700 dollar suit hold the elevator door for the guy that doesn't make that in a month? COME ON!
I still have yet to see Curb Your Enthusiam and Arrested Development.

If you get around to Arrested Development (which you should!) make sure you start watching from the beginning. The show references itself quite a lot and has story arcs so if you drop in half way you wouldn't really get the full experience.
It's always nice to see not English people appreciating Chris Morris. Jam/The Day Today/Brasseye/his appearances in The IT Crowd (all though the rest of the show is pretty weak mostly) are all great.
well i am english so loving chris morris is mandatory ;)

agreed on AD, got to watch it in order. GOB is one of the best characters in anything ever, and i'm not sure he's even my favourite in that show, so many of them are brilliant. george senior cracks me up so much, hahaha.