Favorite song from each album

Jan 22, 2012
Pretty simple...pick your favorite song from each album, and only one. I know it's tough but if you choose two then you shall die by my sword.

For example...

Angels Fall First - The Carpenter
Oceanborn - Gethsemane
Wishmaster - Bare Grace Misery
Century Child - Beauty Of The Beast
Once - The Siren
Dark Passion Play - The Poet And The Pendulum
Imaginaerum - I Want My Tears Back

Now it's your turn.
This is a great idea, and now with Imaginaerum, reminds me that we should have another Nightwish Survivor game!

This is also kinda hard, because a lot of my favorite Nightwish songs are bonus tracks, and not officially from any albums. So I'm gonna mention those in parentheses.

Angels Fall First: This is really a tough one, because my favorite changes all the time. I'll say "The Carpenter" because that's really the song that piqued my curiosity to hear more of their music. But "Elvenpath" was the first song I ever heard, and I'm a sucker for LOTR references. I think I'll give the winner to a bonus track from this album, "A Return to the Sea".

Oceanborn: Another difficult one; I'd say it's a 3-way tie between "Sleeping Sun", "The Riddler", and "Passion and the Opera". I'll probably go with "Sleeping Sun" because that's one of the only songs that ever made me cry the first time I heard it.

Wishmaster: No question here, my favorite is the very underrated "Bare Grace Misery"! And I have to also give a nod to the heavy version of "Sleepwalker".

Century Child: Another toughie..."Ocean Soul" is a huge favorite, but "Dead to the World" has personal meaning too, because it's OSA's official song, bestowed to us by Tuomas. However, out of all the songs on the album, my favorite once again goes to a bonus track, the experimental "Lagoon"; the lyrics which I have quoted in my signature at various Nightwish forums since the song was released and still have in my signature to this day.

Once: "Planet Hell" is my favorite track on the album, but I have to give a nod to "Higher Than Hope", and a favorite bonus track, "Live to Tell the Tale".

Dark Passion Play: "The Poet and the Pendulum" is everyone's favorite track, so it is mine as well. :lol:

Imaginaerum: Right now both "Slow, Love, Slow" and "Song of Myself" are vying for dominance. Get back to me in about a year after the album's newness has worn off. ;)
Good question UMAdBro!

I've never heard any songs off the first album, so I'll start with Oceaborn.

Oceanborn: Sleeping sun, but I'm not that big of a fan of the original version. I love the 2005 version as it's also the song that initially got me interested in the band. It has sort of a sentimental value as well as being a fantastic song.

Wishmaster: Wishmaster, one of the top 5 NW songs

Century Child: Ever Dream

Once: Romanticide and I wish I had an angel. Both are equally good, so I' have to put both of them.

DPP: 7 Days to the wolves

Imaginaerum: Last ride of the day and the first part of Song of myself. Can't choose either so I'll put both.
Angels Fall First - Beauty and the Beast
Oceanborn - The pharao sails to orion (except for that annoying ending part!)
Wishmaster - Depends on the mood i'm in. Wanderlust or Dead Boy's Poem
Century Child - Dead To The World
Once - There are too many amazing songs on the album! Dark Chest Of Wonders maybe?! Well, the live Performance of Creek Mary's Blood (End of an era dvd) is amazing, though i don't really like the album version
Dark Passion Play - Master Passion Greed - I want more of those "aggressive male vocals" ;-)
Imaginaerum - That one is too new, I can't really decide on only one... Scaretale and Last Ride Of The Day...maybe. taikatalvi is close-by.

What do you think, which cover is the most amazing one?
Personally, I like the Imaginaerum and DPP one the most. I don't like those ones with the living things on it like CC, Oceanborn and Wishmaster.

As for the singles: The Crow, the Owl and The Dove is my favorite one!
I like the cover to "Once" the best.

Anyone else think that "The Carpenter" would be a good song to bring back with Anette and Marco? The song itself would be brilliant if it weren't for Tuomas' god awful vocals during the chorus. I'd like to hear it live, just make sure Marco keeps the verses chill and relax like Tuomas did and then go balls out with the chorus.
^Yes, I think it would be a great song, since it wasn't Tarja's most overly-operatic song, and I think Marco's vocals would kick the song up a notch too. :D Honestly, there are so many of the older songs I would love to hear Anette do, instead of some of the ones that they tend to go with. Cut out "Wish I Had an Angel" and do "Away" or "Live to Tell the Tale"!

I know they rehearsed "Elvenpath" on the last tour, but Tuomas said in an interview somewhere that it just wasn't coming together, so they nixed it. :(
I totally agree, they should do more older songs as "Come Cover me" and "Planet Hell" are awesome with Anette! I can't imagine Anette doing a song like "Away", not because i don't think she can sing it, but somehow it just wouldn't fit. Anyway, "away" is no song i want to hear live ;-)
I think that Anette could pull off "Away" better than "Come cover me".
As for covers, I love the Imaginaerum cover!
Angels Fall First - Angels Fall First, The Carpenter

Oceanborn - Gethsemane, Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean

Wishmaster - Bare Grace Misery, Sleepwalker

Century Child - Ever Dream, The Wayfarer, Dead to the World

Once - Planet Hell, Dark Chest of Wonders and I'd also include White Night Fantasy if it wasn't for Tarja's boring vocal delivery in the verses.

Dark Passion Play - Seven Days to the Wolves, The Islander

Imaginaerum - Scaretale, Turn Loose the Mermaids, The Birdie Song

This list is subject to change. :p