Favorite song off of STYE

I must say Dead Alone. That part "When there are only my bones..." is stuck in my head since I firsts listened to it (early March). It´s somewhat punkish, very energetic. I love the chorus as well.
A close second could be Bottled. Everyone seems to hate it, but I just LOVE that f*cking chorus. And those spoken vocals adds something to it´s atmosphere. And then, 3º place could be divided by My Sweet Shadows and In Search For I.

My only complaints about this album, now that I have listened to it enough (altough I am not able of purchasing it yet, damn South America) are F(r)iend (sounds unnatural, like it had no place in the album.) and Like You Better Dead (boring, but still somewhat on growth in me.)
My favorite is Dead Alone. Does anyone notice it starts out with similar notes as a U2 song or maybe a Gary Allen song. MMMM anyway thats what i hear. Then the whole rest of the album closely follows but staples are In search for I , My sweet Shadow , The quiet Place and Borders and Shading those are my favs. I really like the electronic stuff so Im really diggin this album also I think Daniels drums sound awesome. Im just sick of reading Jester RAce Bitching. Im just glad they are still putting out good metal.
My top 3 favorites are.... My Sweet Shadow, Dial 595- Escape, and Borders and Shading
I can't say my fav song...but I am really tripping off the lyrics on F(r)iend, since I'm going through stuff like that right now.

As they all felt the fire
They turned me into an outsider
I never heard from them again
So ironic when you called for a favor today

It's always easy to judge
But takes a lot to be specific
'cause as you preach you're opening the door
To your egos past

There was a day when I could forget
I could forgive but those days are gone
I see them fade

Filth runs in every new day!

I learning to mute the anger
I never thought I would be there again
A moment, a dead end
I lost myself in here
I ran as I saw the end
Should I've joined the fight instead?
Hope you're listening
'cause now times have changed

I take a look around
Say this moment's mine
Flee all the weak minds
Feel my missed hidden rage!
"In Search of I"....brilliant synthesis of old and new. Next would be "F(r)iend", "My Sweet Shadow", then "Superhero of the Computer Rage", and "Dial 595-Escape".

I do like this album much, much more than R2R. Much more consistent.
Why the fuck is evil in a closet getting no recognition? Its an excellent song and one of my favourites. Borders and shading is real good 2 but so is the rest of the album. The only complaint i have about it is discover me like emptiness, it just gets on my nerves!!
Borders and shading
Can't understand how you like this song, it's the worst song In flames has done

Anyway;Touch of Red, My Sweet Shadow ,In Search for I & Dial 595-Escape are the best ones