Favorite SONGS of 2007


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Ok, so I think it is safe to say that most metal releases for 2007 are out.
Every forum has a favorite album thread.
Let's get more detailed, and do a FAVORITE SONGS thread.
List how ever many you want.
I am going to limit mine to 10 for starters.

King Diamond - "Never Ending Hill" (GRAMMY NOMINATED)
Machine Men - "No Talk Without the Giant"
Helloween - "The Saints"
Manowar - "Blood Brothers" (sure it's sappy, but so be it!)
Trouble - "Mindbender"
Novembers Doom - "Rain"
Iced Earth - "Ten Thousand Strong"
Candlemass - "Emperor of the Void"
Megadeth - "Washington Is Next"
Turisas - "Holmgard and Beyond"
Iced Earth - The Clouding
Megadeth - Sleepwalker
Novembers Doom - Rain
Circus Maximus - Wither
Circus Maximus - Abyss
Symphony X - Paradise Lost
Symphony X - Serpent's Kiss
Nightingale - The Fields of Life
Amorphis - Towards & Against
Arch Enemy - Revolution Begins
Dimmu Borgir - The Serpentine Offering
Dark Tranquillity - The Mundane & The Magic
Kamelot - Rule the World
Nightwish - Bye Bye Beautiful
Redemption - The Death of Faith and Reason
Queensryche - Red Rain
the Codex - Prisoner
Elvenking - Divided Heart
Elvenking - Poison Tears
Nightwish - Amaranth
Dimmu Borgir - Serpentine Offering
Arch Enemy - Blood of the Tyrant (I think????)
Circus Maximus - Arrival of Love
Kamelot - Rule The World
Primal Fear - Face the Emptiness
Primal Fear - Fighting The Darkness
Raintime - Rainbringer
Raintime - Beat It - yeah, i'm serious, it rocks! Especially that drum stop in the 1st half of the verses!!!! DOO DOO DOO BAH!
A few of my favorites are:

Iced Earth - The Clouding
Nightingale - White Darkness
Primal Fear - Fighting the Darkness
Slough Feg - Dredg Doom (yeah I know its a cover)
So how is the new Primal Fear?
(As I see a few of you apparently have heard it)

I love it! Very cool vibe on many of the songs. It's not as experimental as Seven Seals. I also think that the "strong" songs on this album are the strongest PF has ever had. I rank the albums I have like this to maybe give you an idea:

Nuclear Fire
Primal Fear
New Religion
Jaws of Death
Devil's Ground
Black Sun
Seven Seals
mine are....

Avantasia - "The Story Aint Over"
Helloween - "Can Do It"
Helloween -"Heaven Tells No Lies"
Elvenking - "The Divided Heart"
Wuthering Heights - "Sleep"
Turisas - "Five Hundred and One"
Turisas- "Rasputin" ....I know it is a cover...but a good one.
Turisas - "A Portage To the Unknown"
Nocturnal Rights - "Call Out To The World"
Metalium "Spirits"
Lumsk - "Lad Spille Med Vaar Over Jorden"
Lumsk - " Svend Herlufsens Ord"
Derdain - "New Era"
Therion - "Gothic Kabbalah"
Therion - The Falling Stone"
Therion - "The Perenial Sophia"
Freedom Call - "Innocent World"
Sonata Arctica - "Good Enough Is Good Enough"
Heavenly - "When The Rain Begins To Fall"
Cruachan - "Shelob"
Ride The Sky - "A Smile From Heaven's Eye"
Black Majesty - "Wings To Fly"
Ensiferum - "Wanderer"
Here's my list of 2007 releases, with favorite songs from each included. The categorization is by CD.

Artist / CD / Favorite Song

EXCELLENT - The cream of the crop.
After Forever / After Forever / Equally Destructive
Circus Maximus / Isolate / Abyss
Nightwish / Dark Passion Play / Amaranth
Redemption / The Origin of Ruin / Memories
Therion / Gothic Kabbalah / Son of the Staves of Time

VERY GOOD - Damn good, just not in the stratosphere with the 5 above.
Allen-Lande / The Revenge / Will You Follow
Dark Moor / Tarot / The Hanged Man
Epica / The Divine Conspiracy / Chasing the Dragon
Mindwarp Chamber / Skeptic's Eye (EP) / Closing the Chapter
Neal Morse / Sola Scriptura / The Conflict
Novembers Doom / The Novella Reservoir / Drown the Inland Mere
Pagan's Mind / God's Equation / Evolution Exceed
Sonata Arctica / Unia / In Black and White
Symphony X / Paradise Lost / Domination
Threshold / Dead Reckoning / Pilot in the Sky of Dreams
Vision Divine / The 25th Hour / Alpha & Omega

GOOD - I like these a lot, but something keeps me from going completely batty for them
Candlemass / King of the Grey Islands / Emperor of the Void
Dream Theater / Systematic Chaos / The Dark Eternal Night
Grave Digger / Liberty or Death / The Terrible One
Iced Earth / Framing Armageddon / Ten Thousand Strong
Kamelot / Ghost Opera / Love You to Death
Masterplan / MK II / Keeps Me Burning
Nocturnal Rites / The 8th Sin / Never Again
Pathosray / Pathosray / Scent of Snow
Ride the Sky / New Protection / Prince of Darkness
Saga / 10000 Days / Sideways
Silent Force / Walking the Earth / My Independence Day
Suspyre / A Great Divide / The Singer
Tarot / Crows Fly Black / Ashes to the Stars
Thunderstone / Evolution 4.0 / The Source

FAIR - Some good stuff, but a mixed bag.
Amaran's Plight / Voice in the Light / Coming of Age
Rush / Snakes and Arrows / We Hold On
Steel Assassin / War of the Eight Saints / Hill of Crosses
Devin Townsend / Ziltoid the Omniscient / Hyperspace

POOR - Didn't really like it.
Freedom Call / Dimensions
Labyrinth / Six Days To Nowhere
Pain of Salvation / Scarsick
Here's my list of 2007 releases, with favorite songs from each included. The categorization is by CD.

Artist / CD / Favorite Song

EXCELLENT - The cream of the crop.
After Forever / After Forever / Equally Destructive
Circus Maximus / Isolate / Abyss
Nightwish / Dark Passion Play / Amaranth
Redemption / The Origin of Ruin / Memories
Therion / Gothic Kabbalah / Son of the Staves of Time

VERY GOOD - Damn good, just not in the stratosphere with the 5 above.
Allen-Lande / The Revenge / Will You Follow
Dark Moor / Tarot / The Hanged Man
Epica / The Divine Conspiracy / Chasing the Dragon
Mindwarp Chamber / Skeptic's Eye (EP) / Closing the Chapter
Neal Morse / Sola Scriptura / The Conflict
Novembers Doom / The Novella Reservoir / Drown the Inland Mere
Pagan's Mind / God's Equation / Evolution Exceed
Sonata Arctica / Unia / In Black and White
Symphony X / Paradise Lost / Domination
Threshold / Dead Reckoning / Pilot in the Sky of Dreams
Vision Divine / The 25th Hour / Alpha & Omega

GOOD - I like these a lot, but something keeps me from going completely batty for them
Candlemass / King of the Grey Islands / Emperor of the Void
Dream Theater / Systematic Chaos / The Dark Eternal Night
Grave Digger / Liberty or Death / The Terrible One
Iced Earth / Framing Armageddon / Ten Thousand Strong
Kamelot / Ghost Opera / Love You to Death
Masterplan / MK II / Keeps Me Burning
Nocturnal Rites / The 8th Sin / Never Again
Pathosray / Pathosray / Scent of Snow
Ride the Sky / New Protection / Prince of Darkness
Saga / 10000 Days / Sideways
Silent Force / Walking the Earth / My Independence Day
Suspyre / A Great Divide / The Singer
Tarot / Crows Fly Black / Ashes to the Stars
Thunderstone / Evolution 4.0 / The Source

FAIR - Some good stuff, but a mixed bag.
Amaran's Plight / Voice in the Light / Coming of Age
Rush / Snakes and Arrows / We Hold On
Steel Assassin / War of the Eight Saints / Hill of Crosses
Devin Townsend / Ziltoid the Omniscient / Hyperspace

POOR - Didn't really like it.
Freedom Call / Dimensions
Labyrinth / Six Days To Nowhere
Pain of Salvation / Scarsick

Maybe they do it better on other material or with Tarja.


As for my favorite songs...that's really tough for me. From the other posts I have seen here, I can definitely say that "Rain" by Novembers Doom is one of them. That song is so beautifully evil.

Dark Tranquillity owns me every time. I was also introduced to Raintime this year, which has been a surprise favorite of mine.