Favorite Unicorn song!

Ok, my five favorites(changes everyday)

Hiding again
Sorrows song
Waterfall(ohh waterfall I was frozen once now falling again, or something)
At the end of the bridge
ever since

Everyone got to agree that Swanö is the most talented songwriter today!

The Sorrow Song
Hiding Again

Those three... are the most... but, as far as I only hear the Emotional Wasteland, well... the rest of the album is a very beautiful piece of art.... very. .. emotional indeed.

Favourite song? Hm, that's a hard pick....
Right now I would probably say "Yellow and Greg" from one of our early demos.
It's heavy and incomprehensible in many ways, I've always liked that.
And for me personally it brings back a lot of pleasant memories!

I have many favourites but I won't bore you with them right now...
I'm still in the process of downloading songs, but I was completely blown away by "The Sorrow Song". I want Unicorn CDs now. I already spent enough money ordering all the Nightingale CDs, so I'll have to wait a bit.