Favorite Viva Emptiness Song???

yv said:
yes, it is..

Seems I can't listen to Katatonia recently, at least if I still want to save myself.. They hit straight into my heart and touch so deep that I'm about to stop breathing.. :cry:
Hey beware, blind fanatic on the way :evil:

....heh.....usually I can listen to depressing songs, and it doesn't depress me, it helps me out because I can identify with it...however thare are a few songs that I can't listen to just because it hits the perfectly wrong nerve...no Kataonia songs, though. Yet.
Blade Golem said:
depressing songs.. and it doesn't depress me
Depression comes from myself, not the songs..
they only remind me of the fact that in my eyes I'm everything, yet noone sees through the pile of dried pieces of shit.. buuuhahahaha ;)
Hmm, some people seem to be influenced frm the songs, like hearing depressing music makes them start becoming depressed. As for me...the songs only remind me that I'm one fucked up creature. But I already knew that, so I don't mind being reminded.:D
Blade Golem said:
I'm one fucked up creature...
I was wondering why almost everybody here find being "fucked-up" special and exclusional, like some f'n noble title?

Goddess Earth in Decay and all Her Parasites! You're fucked-up, I'm feeling fine! :grin:
yv said:
I was wondering why almost everybody here find being "fucked-up" special and exclusional, like some f'n noble title?

Goddess Earth in Decay and all Her Parasites! You're fucked-up, I'm feeling fine! :grin:

It's quite simple. I don't consider "fucked up" special, like a title. I'm just straightfoward and honest, when it comes to everything, including myself. :grin:
Blade Golem said:
Ehhh...usually. It does to tend to get me in trouble, though. For example if somebody asks me if I think they're ugly and the answer is yes and I can't think of a way to sugarcoat the answer enough....:lol:

Tell'em they're beautiful in their own way on the inside. ;)

Back to the original topic. My favourite song (at the moment) has to be


np: Selbstmord - Spectre of Hate
my favorite is Right Into the Bliss. You may have noticed this isnt on viva emptiness. Its true. This is because the other albums are better.

Sorry, i'm on a wind-up at the moment. But seriously i still find it hard to listen to the new album. IMO it gets better later on, but criminals and ghost of the sun are lame because Jonas is trying to sound hard by swearing but he does it in the most unbelievably crap way. He sounds like an over-excited, over-emotional kid.
Eh... Evidence, Omerta, Burn the remembrance, Ghost of the Sun, Criminals, Will I arrive, Sleeper, A premonition, Inside the city of glass...

In no particular order. :)
fav songs so far omerta, evidence, sleepers.......
I need to listen to it some more the only problem being I can't stop listening to brave murder day and discouraged ones
yv said:
I don't know what love is or whether it exists.. The songs are not about it, I guess.
Everything hovers round safety and stability, which we all desire and aim at naturally, unconsciously. It can't be restrained, even if we are aware that neither nothing, nor noone, even ourselves, are able to secure it..

Common sense, livitation or impulse? Where will I find the pulse? Shall I look for it at last? I'm not set, not able to think today.. emptiness is taking over me. VIVA.

I'm the evidence
You passed the test and that's so good for you
O LOVE will you read the letters I will send to you
Will I come along
Will they let me out to take the test
O LOVE is the score enough for me to pass the test

Love enough for me that, and when it comes to love, I know too well what it is. It's what hits me to the ground, what makes me wanna weep. When I fall in love with a girl, I know it's gonna hurt like hell...
Ergol The Ineffable said:
Love ..what hits me to the ground, what makes me wanna weep. When I fall in love.. I know it's gonna hurt like hell...
It hurts like hell.. yeah.
Maybe you're right at last.. and I'm just denying, 'cause I'm too afraid of admitting and facing it. Once I thought it needs much time to grow, now I'm not so sure about that. I'm confused.. and broken. Where am I? And where are you, my common soul?
yv said:
It hurts like hell.. yeah.
Maybe you're right at last.. and I'm just denying, 'cause I'm too afraid of admitting and facing it. Once I thought it needs much time to grow, now I'm not so sure about that. I'm confused.. and broken. Where am I? And where are you, my common soul?

Bah, thats just how it works for me. When I fall in love I walk around for six months knowing I will never ever get the girl, it hurts... The next six months I spend trying to "kill" my emotions, when this is done, I rebuild, and the joyride begins again... :erk: