Favourite Band

"fans who wants to know about adrenaline mob can follow us on facebook twitter etc"
what about people who wants to know about symphony X :(
Epic indeed, though I must say Russell is not at his best.

He sounds like he always did back in 2000/2001 to me, like exactly how he sounds on the live album.

I might be alone in this, but if you ask me, I think he's actually gotten better at controlling his voice as the years have gone by, at the cost of the insane range he had back in the 90's. He might not be able to do a lot of the crazy high stuff anymore, but if you look at some stuff like the Prog Power Divine Wings performance, or the most recent live videos of Evolution, he sings several portions of them a lot closer to the album version than on LOTEOF, and sounds more powerful and in-your-face all around.

I will say though, I don't understand why he missed the first half of the final chorus altogether. Did he just forget?
I might be alone in this, but if you ask me, I think he's actually gotten better at controlling his voice as the years have gone by, at the cost of the insane range he had back in the 90's. He might not be able to do a lot of the crazy high stuff anymore, but if you look at some stuff like the Prog Power Divine Wings performance, or the most recent live videos of Evolution, he sings several portions of them a lot closer to the album version than on LOTEOF, and sounds more powerful and in-your-face all around.

I completely agree. Whether you like his newer sound or not, Russell's ability to control and understand his voice has never been better.
I will say though, I don't understand why he missed the first half of the final chorus altogether. Did he just forget?

I think is not Rusell´s fault. There is an guitar and bass unison, aprox. 7:55 of the original song. It has like 6 different arpeggios, but in the video they only play like 1 and a half or two. So maybe the whole band started the chorus earlier and Russell noticed it too late. Well, mmm, that´s against the odds, but It really starts the last chorus too soon, there is not like a "breath time" before it.

Anyways, what I don´t understand is why they changed the whole solo section. I may understand why they don´t play live Rediscovery live, but this solo section is one of the "simplest" ones of SX.

Despite this and everything else, I prefer this "strange" version of TEoF to any "perfect" version of any song from PL and IC.
As a song, absolutely. TEOF is amazing. But some songs just do not translate well to a live setting, which is exactly what LePond said when asked about this song specifically.

I honestly just don't agree with that. I'd rather put it as some songs being more challenging to adapt to a live setting.
^--- There's truth in that, but I still agree more with Eyeball. TEoF is just not one of those songs that's at its best live, unlike most of the more recent songs.
Symphony X - A Winter's Dream Pt II (Rod Tyler on vocals).


Wow, I hate to say it, but I think I actually like this version better than the album version with Russ. There are parts where the singing isn't really that great, but I feel like the arrangement of the music is better. You can easily hear more things going on which makes for a very interesting listen. Also the song feels like it's going at a slower pace, which I feel really works. A lot more background singing going on as well makes for a nice effect.
new Tesseract's "Altered state" looks very interesting,complex,melodic.Check the entire album on youtube.As "in a winter's dream",I prefeir Russell's version,Russell is my favourite rock metal singer for many years and I think it will remain for a long time
As cool as it is to hear an early version of A Winter's Dream, I can't help but feel like I'm in a Korean karaoke bar.

Sort of like this:

That Magnus Karlsson track, as with the Allen/Lande material, is incredibly "stock" and full of chewy fist-pumping, but it makes great use of Russell's voice. Whenever I get done listening to a Karlsson song, I have an incredible urge to blast some Journey.
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