evangelist of Threshold
Just a guess, but maybe writing for stuff for a next album? I saw in an interview MJR says he spends most of every day just playing and recording. and it's been almost three years since IC, so we're looking at like one or two more.
Of course this is just a guess? And if it IS the case, then it doesn't exactly bode well. Of course, I hope I'm wrong.
Symphony X songs are not easy to write, IMHO. It's not a matter of putting up a melody over a chord progression, adding a riff and then go straight to the rehearsal room to arrange it with the full band.
I'm pretty sure Romeo has tons of riffs, ideas and melodies archived, and he often goes through them from time to time to find out what's good, what's not, what can be used in a certain part of a certain song. He also probably writes down full demos on Pro Tools or whatever, another work that requires a lot of time (being him a perfectionist, I'm pretty sure he polishes every single detail even at this stage).
On a side note - I hope to be wrong, but Lepond releasing a solo album sounds to me like "Romeo doesn't like my musical ideas, I'll use them myself"