Favourite Devy song SYL or Solo

Cool....I agree with you Judas Pissed, it is a hard question to answer but there is always a song that just grabs you in a headlock and doesnt let go ! I'd have to say my favourite Devy tune would have to be Funeral.....sooooo much emotion in that tune and it is simply an amazing song.
The solo in the middle of Tiny Tears I think is the highlight of Terria. Can't wait to hear Devy play it live.

Also was listening to Truth today, and one major riff don't think is quite a solo but its great either way. Whenever I listen to that song I think blue and water...makes me wonder if it was originally written for Ocean Machine.
I don't know it's too hard ..
Life , Hide Nowhere , Bastard , Truth , Christeen , Bad Devil , Unity , Earth Day , Deep Peace , Canada , The Fluke etc.. :Spin: