MTV2 and Devy?

Tranquil Chaos

that girl
Feb 9, 2003
New Jersey
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Was at New England Metalfest yesterday and MTV2 interviewed Devy... I want to see this but I don't watch MTV/MTV2, if anyone else sees it lemme know what they say on it :-P

Oh and SYL was fucking awesome last night except they only got 4 songs. They were the best band that night too.. ohh well.
they only got 4 songs. They were the best band that night too.. ohh well.[/QUOTE]

4 songs ????!!!!:hypno:
what d'you mean !!!

yep.. 4 songs.. opened with OMFG and closed with Detox.. i kinda forget what was in between now.. oh well.. i think they should've had like an hour or at least as much time as that HORRIBLE band converge, jesus christ they are bad..
Tranquil Chaos said:
i think they should've had like an hour or at least as much time as that HORRIBLE band converge, jesus christ they are bad..

They're critical darlings, scenester icons, and "local heroes". So, how completely terrible their set was is irrelevant. When I saw them, it made me think that maybe they were getting a part of the proceeds from the bar as it was very tempting to drink until the band seemed to not suck. Mind you, I'm bitter as I ran across decent chunks of lineups for better local acts while I was there.

Well, Headbangers Ball just ended and Ian Robinson interviewed Devin on his own about the differences between slam dancing and moshing (hardcore vs. metal), which he gave a couple of comedic comments about, and then Rob Zombie interviewed SYL and asked why they came back after Devin said the band was over. Devin said that journalists shouldn't to take too much of what he says seriously.

Then he said that the band was hammered during the making of the Relentless video, and then they played the video.
well, i did see it, and it was ok, but then again, i am not big on mtv myself, and the only thing i have to say about headbangers ball is let the raping begin cuz after having the guys from hate eternal, and some interview skits with other metal artists like opeth and such, its gonna be metal bands going for the grabs on tv time on poser television.

Tranquil Chaos said:
Was at New England Metalfest yesterday and MTV2 interviewed Devy... I want to see this but I don't watch MTV/MTV2, if anyone else sees it lemme know what they say on it :-P

Oh and SYL was fucking awesome last night except they only got 4 songs. They were the best band that night too.. ohh well.
Tranquil Chaos said:
yep.. 4 songs.. opened with OMFG and closed with Detox.. i kinda forget what was in between now.. oh well.. i think they should've had like an hour or at least as much time as that HORRIBLE band converge, jesus christ they are bad..

Meh...there were plenty worse there than Converge...I'd have to say that they're about the best hardcore band that played there. Granted, that's not saying much...

But yeah, SYL definitely should've gotten more time.
Converge... bad???????

Are you deaf??????

They are fucking absolutely amazing, easily one of the best bands to ever exist. Jane Doe was a phenomal piece of art, the duality of Phoenix in Flight / Phoenix in Flames still shocks me to this day. Sweeping epic guitar rock flowing straight into drum + distorted vocal noise. Absolutely awe-inspiring, to say the least.
LuminousAether said:
Jane Doe was a phenomal piece of art, the duality of Phoenix in Flight / Phoenix in Flames still shocks me to this day. Sweeping epic guitar rock flowing straight into drum + distorted vocal noise. Absolutely awe-inspiring, to say the least.

For once I have to agree with you! ;)