Slayer and mtv2...

Warrior of Ice

short hair sucks...
Aug 19, 2002
Virginia Beach, VA
Well i guess its official now slayer sucks because i happened to flip channels and see tom araya on mtv2 head bangers ball. I suppose he was cohosting or something but the show had nothing nu metal crap bands playing and they played like one slayer video bloodline but the bleeped out Kill in it like 13 times. Why the hell does Kill have to be bleeped into Ill! anyway? Slayer sucks now in my opinion Diabolous in musica was crapy, god hates us all was no better, and the recent tour sucked (well acording to my friends at the concert). So now im making it that two thrash bands used to awesome but now are sucking the coroprate tit Mettallica and Slayer. I guess that was a rant but still im really pissed about what i saw a half and hour ago. Oh yea im not dead i just have been to lazy to check UM in a while if anyone actualy cared
Too bad they cant make a real show instead.
I mean if they do have the Hatebreed guy and Tom Araya in the show that should set a direction away from the nu bullshit.
They are at least playing some good bands like Shadows Fall.
Well, mtv will never steal my cd player :Spin:

And by the way, God Hates Us All didnt suck that much
I dont even have MTV2 but i still wish they'd have some fucking respect.
I remember them playing Metallicas Fade To Black live 1989 on their ugly show trying to make it trend.
I went like "hey thats real music, play fuel and st anger and shut the fuck up".
Well, fuck mtv anyway.
Warrior of Ice said:
Well i guess its official now slayer sucks because i happened to flip channels and see tom araya on mtv2 head bangers ball. I suppose he was cohosting or something but the show had nothing nu metal crap bands playing and they played like one slayer video bloodline but the bleeped out Kill in it like 13 times. Why the hell does Kill have to be bleeped into Ill! anyway? Slayer sucks now in my opinion Diabolous in musica was crapy, god hates us all was no better, and the recent tour sucked (well acording to my friends at the concert). So now im making it that two thrash bands used to awesome but now are sucking the coroprate tit Mettallica and Slayer. I guess that was a rant but still im really pissed about what i saw a half and hour ago. Oh yea im not dead i just have been to lazy to check UM in a while if anyone actualy cared
I say this very seldom, but you truely are an idiot! I guess your life won't be easy if you judge if a band 'sucks' or not by the bands singer appearing on a television channel...
What does the videos and bleeping have to do with how good slayer is? Do you think the hosts choose the videos? Even if they they do, they probably have to choose from very limited list. And I bet no one would want to get their own video bleebed...
actualy i was bored and flipping through channels and i happened to see tom araya on tv and was wondering umm what the hell and thats how i ended up watching the show. If the show was like the old headbangers ball it would have kicked ass so i was kinda disapointed but not really suprised. Im just wondering why the hell tom is on a show thats mostly nu metal. I mean lets see they changed their sound diabolous in musica and in god hates us all. Admit it that Reign in Blood, Hell Awaits, and show no mercy are Alot better the recent 2 albums. So now it looks like Slayer is looking for nu metal fans to listen to them... pity
I'm not surprised they are on MTV. I saw them on the old Headbangers Ball many years ago when Seasons In The Abyss was their newest album. The fact that their music has gotten worse has nothing to do with the fact that they were on the Heabangers Ball. They are simply running out of ideas musically and getting boring, but their music isn't nu-metal by any stretch of the imagination. And they were on the Headbangers Ball since they have always been one of the most popular metal bands along with Pantera, Megadeth, Anthrax, and Metallica (when they used to actually be metal).
Black Dragon said:
I still don't understand why metal fans waste anytime on MTV anyway.
1) Because some Metal fans might like the music they play.
2) Curiosity
3) To watch shows like Jackass, Osbournes e.t.c
4) to criticize
5) because brothers, sisters, family, friends or associates may watch it.

If you think before posting pointless statements you might have been able to discover some answers yourself.
Profånity said:
1) Because some Metal fans might like the music they play.
2) Curiosity
3) To watch shows like Jackass, Osbournes e.t.c
4) to criticize
5) because brothers, sisters, family, friends or associates may watch it.

If you think before posting pointless statements you might have been able to discover some answers yourself.

Like you have room to talk about pointless statements. All of the stuff you pointed out is obvious alas I am talking about people who post about Mtv on METAL boards, not just people in general. If they liked the music they were playing they wouldn't be bitching about about needing to think before posting.
Well i somewhat take back my statement i saw Dio and Iron Maiden on but it mostly the rest was nu metal. It seems like they want to tell us what the is metal and are acting like nu metal is just as good as the old stuff. Either im paranoid or mtv is really fucking evil.