Cob + Mtv

Originally posted by metaldeathlord
The other night i was flipping the channels at about 2 in the morning and went by MTV2- "Extreme Rock" and I saw the "Everytime I Die" video. Needless to say i fucking flipped out. I dont know what to think of it........Is this a good thing that they are on MTV and people are getting to be familiar with them? or.. Is it a bad thing that they are getting popular and a Die-Hard Linkin Park fan sees them and knows who they are? I dont fucking tired i cant you people tell me what you think about it.

You should be grateful that you have a MTV2 there.:grin:

Here in Brazil we have only the regular one, wich sucks.:Puke:
I have to agree with what 'pest' is saying, its veryfrustrating when people's opinions and shit start affecting you. IT was the same deal at myschool with battle of the bands, it'snever about talent, it's about popularity and majority. There were a few very decent bands playing, and this one inparticlar who won, played 2 original songs and 4 cover songs, not to mention they turned MEtallica's 'One' into a rap song!!! Also my x-bf's band came fifth, they played all original songs, and had some really sweet guitar solos, something that other bands lacked. Apart from that there was a really cheap 'old school' punk band who played nothingbut covers......

this is not an agrument of 'poser' VS'non-poser' it's a demand for our rights as individuals and to stop this popularity shit affecting us.....

and one last thing, F*ck MTV, they wouldnt know talent if it punched them in the face, they are the people who promote commecial bastards like the fag band Linkin PArk
(Crimson Babe)

yeah hes got some goth band, never heard it, the one that played at battle of the bands was different. Well my X and I don't get along now, he was a cheating prick and now we don't get along at all, but I actually got with his mate about a mother after we split and I'm still with him. And he is also the bands X bass player :lol: But yeah screw x boyfriends, i think there's always a potenital to do better
I saw COB on the regular MTV channel too quite many times.. but it was in some kinda rock hour on friday nights.. mostly the only thing good was COB, but I saw some Lefay, Helloween, iron maiden, judas priest and ac/dc also.. otherwise it just sucked
arrrggggmmmhhh MTV arrgghhmmmmmdeeehhhhhhhhh

only one thing to do at this moment


whew okay now i feel better
In germany, we have mtv2 as well...unfortunatly it is not the american's mtv2-the pop channel :puke:

but then they closed the channel and made one where this stuff isn't played so often any more.

Viva+ suckz big time...they took away the ONLY alternative music channel and replaced it with another pop broadcasting perverted pigfucked wuaaaaargh

Originally posted by ¤Killin
I don't think CoB will turn into a trend just by being on tv a few times...

It happened to Cradle of Filth in England. There are so many trend-"Metallers" in CoF shirts, it's abysmal. Falsemetal, baggy jeans and pink bracelets need to be destroyed! Stupid trendfollowing cunts.