Favourite Live DVD

Don't visit the Nevermore forums too often, so I'm probably out of date. I'm sure the double dvd set will blow my mind and throw it in a blender. I have high hopes for it :kickass:
^Arcturus isn't black metal dude, not even close. Maybe their first cd, but since then it's mostly avante-garde style metal, all clean vocals for the most part.
Ensiferum @ Nosturi 05 for sure

Fuckin' Aye! Dragonheads and White Storm are amazing on that DVD, can't wait to see em' next month. I had it downloaded in 2 parts, and left part 2 in the DVD player when I was done. My mom didn't know how to change the TV from the DVD to normal cable, so she ended up watching it. She said it was okay because it started with Tears, and Finnish Medley, she didn't like the rest though :p.

CHOAS RIDDEN YEARS .............no duh!

I know its all "Personal Taste" and all that shit.
But that show was actually pretty shit. Laiho Fucked up so often, just as in the Nosturi video on Google. But I did like the bonus stuff.

Don't watch to many concerts though. My favourite part of going to a show is the energy and the people, you don't get that from a concert DVD so I don't enjoy sitting and watching them.

Another good one is Rush R30. Rush in Rio is also amazing, but I saw them on the R30 tour so, I guess thats why I like it that bit more.
Don't watch to many concerts though. My favourite part of going to a show is the energy and the people, you don't get that from a concert DVD so I don't enjoy sitting and watching them.

Another good one is Rush R30. Rush in Rio is also amazing, but I saw them on the R30 tour so, I guess thats why I like it that bit more.

Yeah but live show on DVD can be use as a good background in big party, there's the music and always a gang watching it instead of throwing things in your house.

My favourites live DVD are:


And I'm looking forward to buy:

I've heard the Emperor live DVD isn't terribly great, alas; unless you're totally "kvlt", of course.
Apparently it's extremely limited and some of the footage quality is awful. Don't take my word for it though.
chaos ridden years, for sure
best recorded Bodom performance i've seen, next to their tuska one.
no alexander :eek: i like roope better anyway :D

n00b, thats all you know! :lol: Have you heard of Seoul 2001? Alexi getting pretty sketchy.

I've been meaning to check into the Rush dvds, possibly buy one. When did you see them Cliff (is that what you go by)?
I know its all "Personal Taste" and all that shit.
But that show was actually pretty shit. Laiho Fucked up so often, just as in the Nosturi video on Google. But I did like the bonus stuff.

Don't watch to many concerts though. My favourite part of going to a show is the energy and the people, you don't get that from a concert DVD so I don't enjoy sitting and watching them.

Ok, CRY isn't that good but i just love seeing Alexi and the crew perform. It's very entertaining.
^ yeah, i watch the CRY extra footage more than the damn concert:lol:

my fave live dvd...Stevie Ray Vaughan-Austin City Limits....(maybe i'm just partial cuz i live in texas :lol: noo,...it's my fave regardless:)
Gigantour had some kickass clips, although 2 songs a band is pretty shit IMO. Symphony X clips were cool, DT's glass prison kicked ass... err... *blanks*
^ yeah, i watch the CRY extra footage more than the damn concert:lol:

my fave live dvd...Stevie Ray Vaughan-Austin City Limits....(maybe i'm just partial cuz i live in texas :lol: noo,...it's my fave regardless:)

who cares if you live in Texas that is a hell of a respectable dvd choice. Also Lamentations was mentioned, which is by far the best music dvd i have ever watched in my life.