live damage dvd: audio


Dark Tranquillity Italia
Jan 3, 2005
Mestre (Venice)
hi all!

i finally got my copy of the live damage dvd.. great dvd, I love it (I had already seen it with friends, but I just watched again).. but one thing i don't like is the audio... all sounds, especially the vocals, seem to be quite anticipated in relation to images.. that way i hear the words before mikael even opens his mouth... u can see that mostly in the clean parts of songs like therein.. when I watched it with friends I didn't notice this, but wtaching carefully I do.. so doubts fill up my mind...

do u have the same problem or should I get my dvd changed? :Smug:
the interview is good... that, and the bootleg concerts. the main poland concert really disappointed me, that is not the Dark Tranquillity I've seen live...
Hitori said:
the main poland concert really disappointed me, that is not the Dark Tranquillity I've seen live...

I totally agree. However, keep in mind that it's quite a while ago. Seems to recall that Stanne said that it was the first gig in Poland...?

Anyway, the gig in Stockholm last week was waaaaay better!
I think it was the best concert during 2005, and I've seen quite mainy concerts the previous year.
to me the difference is that watching dt live is not watching a dvd, even if the dvd was the best gig in dt's history.. it's like watching a football game at the stadium and a football game in tv.. even if the first one sucks and the second one is great, emotions in the first one are much stronger...
well, of course
but i'm not comparing live band vs live band on tv, just comparing it to the bootlegs they included.
in the poland show, the band seemed too self-conscious and stiff on stage, except for Mikael... whose overly enthusiastic and energetic personna (like he always has) clashed horribly with the apathetic, bored-looking audience
Nt3N said:
i see.. yes: the audience was absolutely bored... the next time they make a dvd they better come to italy.. :)

...or Canada :p . They were the main supporter for Soilwork yet the crowd was even crazier (one of the wildest I've seen) with DT than with the headliner...
I've read quite a few complaints on the bad sync between the audio and the video in "Live damage". I don't own the dvd, but it seems to be a problem with everyone's copy of it.

My question is whether anyone knows anything about mp3 files with the audio portion of it. While searching for rare live stuff by DT i once stumbled upon "Zodijackyl" and "Insanity's crescendo". At first i thought they were just the songs on "Exposures", but the file info said they were tracks 19 and 12 (respectively) on the "Live damage" album, so i figured they were different files. Indeed, they're different (my guess is that they're the audio that's really on the dvd and not just the edited stuff on "Exposures"). Since then i've been able to download three other songs: "The sun fired blanks", "Format C: for cortex" and "Hours passed in exile". I'm trying to get the whole audio, but it's a sloooooooooooooow process.

Has something like this happened to anyone else here or does anyone know what i'm talking about?
UndoControl said:
(...) While searching for rare live stuff by DT i once stumbled upon "Zodijackyl" and "Insanity's crescendo". At first i thought they were just the songs on "Exposures", but the file info said they were tracks 19 and 12 (respectively) on the "Live damage" album, so i figured they were different files. Indeed, they're different (my guess is that they're the audio that's really on the dvd and not just the edited stuff on "Exposures"). Since then i've been able to download three other songs: "The sun fired blanks", "Format C: for cortex" and "Hours passed in exile". I'm trying to get the whole audio, but it's a sloooooooooooooow process. (...)
For example, in "Exposures" Mikael says something like "You know, we've been, uh... all around the world, meeting great people like you guys.. though we all live under indifferent suns" as the band plays "Indifferent suns", while on the files i downloaded he says "You know, we've been doing this for a couple of years, and, uh... let me tell you, it just gets weirder and weirder and crazier and crazier with each year, with each song we write..." as the band starts playing Insanity's crescendo" (notice that they took the "You know, we've been..." from the intro for "Insanity's" and pasted it right into the intro for "Indifferent" and deleted the rest of what Mik says).
The crowd kills a lot of the enjoyment factor. I don't really mind the audio though.:erk:

Also, it looks like the place wasn't even half full! And a majority of them looked like they had won tickets or something and didn't know too much about them.:yuk: