Argh, I can't believe I forgot to mention Fincher! I'm going to hell for that one.
Se7en and Fight Club, definitely. The game was excellent too, I thought. Alien 3, was his first feature.
Over the last few years, American Beauty and Magnolia have stood out in my mind - films made in the Hollywood system that broke conventions (length, content, etc) and still did very well.
Alucard: FMJ definitely. That's my next DVD purchase I think. I'd like to say "The Deer Hunter," but I've seen it once, broken in half (a few days between tapes), and it's dreadfully long. I'll give it another go this month. But brilliant performances.
I love older deNiro - Mean Streets, Taxi Driver.. even Goodfellas. Wait, that's all Scorcese. The guy who I'm subletting my apartment from was a Scorcese freak, and he left me a poster of deNiro on the fridge, and a Tom Savini special FX course poster..
Maybe it'll keep my rentals in check - I made a vow to never rent any bad movies, and I might have faltered once or twice..