favourite movie

Rumack: Captain, how soon can you land?
Clarence Oveur: I can't tell.
Rumack: You can tell me. I'm a doctor.
Clarence Oveur: No. I mean I'm just not sure.
Rumack: Well, can't you take a guess?
Clarence Oveur: Well, not for another two hours.
Rumack: You can't take a guess for another two hours?
Ok, I got this1 over the internet, but sorry, such a good quote! And I'll stop now :)
The all time greatest movie is the first Crow movie. to all that have not seen it yet, don't wait a moment longer. it is the ultimate story of love, hate, death, and revenge.
What's bizarre is that Brandon Lee had only made crap-ass action movies before. And then the whole "death" thing happened to him. Really brought that movie into the public eye.

"Mr Gideon, you're not paying attention" *thwack* :)

Too bad the sequel was a bad re-hash and the third went direct-to-video.

If anyone's read the comics, it's time for a female protagonist.
Oh yeah after the ganster rapper in the third crow "salvation" they're bringing a woman back! How exciting. The sequels James O'barr wrote to the crow were almost as bad as city of angels the film sequel. But not quite

Wait it was a ganster rapper in salvation wasn;t it? I haven't seen it!! Sum1 told me about it when they were filming it
I'm hooked on creepy movies. Gives you quite the imagination!

I saw Requiem For A Dream a week ago and thought, "Fuck, that was WAY too disturbing!" Then I watched it again two days later! Hah!

I liked Seven and Kiss The Girls quite a bit. That twisted shit that I hope never happens to me or anyone for that matter.

What's Das Boot all about?

I really like Tom Hanks movies. I just really like his way of acting. Him and Robin Williams (MORK FROM ORK, na-nu na-nu), and Sean Connery as well. My friend swears that he can't make a bad movie.

I thought Natural Born Killers kicked ass when I saw it. That and I laughed my ASS off at Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Oh man, when he walks into one of the casinos...FUCKED UP BOY!! :lol: I was rolling!! American Pie...you know what part. Those are like the only 2 movies that HURT ME I laughed so hard. 'Bust-out-the-tissues' laughing so hard. -yahahaaboy-

Planet of the Apes new version should be interesting. I didn't like them when I first saw them many years ago, but I think the talking apes just freaked me out then...I was little.

:::brrrr! talking apes::: Gives me the willies!

Requiem for a Dream is indeed fantastic. Darren Aranofsky's going to be big. Check out his first movie, Pi (the title is actually the symbol for pi). It's equally good, in my opinion, but not nearly as disturbing. Few things are.

Morgan Freeman has knack for old-detectives-about-to-retire, doesn't he? Check out Along Came a Spider for another one similar.

Das Boot was made in 84, directed by Wolfgang Petersen (Air Force One, and.. A Perfect Storm I think). It's the story of a German submarine crew during WWII. Excellent performance, direction, realism, camerawork, editing, the works. You have to see the director's cut, wide screen, in German though. That's the only way to watch it, and it's almost 4 hours long I think.

And if you can get your hands on it, check out Shogun, which was a miniseries in the early 80s. It's 10 hours long, but held my interest no problem
I have seen the third Crow, and I do not remember a ganster rapper. Although, I do remember that movie sucking bad. And i noticed that someone mentioned the comic book. I would also suggest reading the comic if you can. Very graphic. Also, there's some cool poetry in there. The only problem is that Eric kinda has a mullet, but I'm sure you can look past that.
I have been trying to get in touch with the director the film I was in, but no luck yet. I know that a few of my friends there have started up a new studio, but not much more than that.
You can check out some of the stuff that's going on in Taiwan at this site: www.etstar.com/moviewatch/index.asp but it won't be much good to you unless you and your computer can read Chinese.

Sorry I couldn't do more for you.
I love Requiem for a Dream...great flick. My three favorite flicks are :

Texas Chainsaw Massacre-no other film can produce that feeling of dread....GET'ER GRANDPA, HIT'ER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Violent Cop-My favorite Takeshi Kitano flick. The most realistic film example of violence, as it spends as much time on the aftermath and the horrible consequences. Also the strange, casual style is almost meditative...hypnotic movie.

Tetsuo:The Iron Man- Japanese experimental 68 min movie from '89. A man gets hit by a car, and after recovering, slowly finds himself turning into a machine. Also contains the most disturbing "sex" scene ever put on film. DIRECT influence on Pi. Aronofsky should have publicly tipped his hat to this movie, because there would be no Pi if not for this flick. Stylistically overwhelming, but all the flash covers up the somewhat lacking content, but not to be missed anyway....
Fight Club has been my favourite for months now :) (Brad Pitt is a legend)
American Psycho (that running down the hallway scene with the
chainsaw) :lol:
American Beauty ( 'I need a role model, not some dorky geek boy who is going to spray his shorts every time I bring a boy home!' 'Want me to kill him for you?' 'Would you?') argh ha ha Fargo
Blair Witch (personally I wish they took this further)
Being John Malkovich
Oh Brother Where Out Thou
...a couple of classics that just came to mind are
The City Of Lost Children
Betty Blue
Cronos and he he
Jason And The Argonauts :p is HUGE for me :lol:
...she ponders others...an important film I have discovered lately about a court case (true story) which was filmed so the lawyer could afford the trial is Paradise Lost and Revelations http://www.wm3.org :confused: :(
Might as well add a few of mine

-Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead (Romero just rules)
-Return of the Living Dead 1, 2 and 3 (what can I say.. I love zombie movies)
-A.I. (Most everyone hated it, I loved it)
-Saving Private Ryan (All other war movies are ruined for me now)
-Conan the Barbarian
-Conan the Destroyer
-Any Adam Sandler movie (He's hilarious)
-Unbreakable was an excellent film, very underrated
-Star Wars (of course)
-Transformers the Movie (I'm 22 and this still fucking rules)

These are only a few, and some have already been mentioned, I'll spare everyone. ;)
