Favourite Quotes Thread

itis Friday night me and me mate longhair-metalCrisman are in this poshy pub called the Vintry (don't ask how we ended up there, it was a pub crawl thing)... So the dj plays some crap dance beat and this craphead in a table-cloth shirt walks up to me mate and asks him: Don't u dance? and me mate replies: Don't u fuck off? *Man* it made me lauph!
Originally posted by Forlorn Hope
If you wanna quote South Park, then be COMPLETE! :mad:
"Okay guys, I've seen the Terrance and Phillip movie... Now who wants to touch me? I SAID WHO WANTS TO FUCKING TOUCH ME!!!"

Sweeeeeet :spin:

:lol:you're right!:lol: i wasnt sure for the rest:lol: ace!!!
- When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things. One part wants me to be real nice and sweet and treat her right.

- And what did the other part think?

- What her head would look like on a stick!

:muahaha: Bateman's ace!
"They're pigs!!
And they're flying!!!
It's a bat- country!!!"

Johnny Depp trying to scare away a swarm of bats he thought he saw, after having consumed loads of drugs.

"- Did you drink all this acid??
- No. Music!!!!"

Johnny Depp and Benicio del Torro arguing about who had comsumed more drugs.

From the movie "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"
It may sound reaaaally stupid, but these scenes were fuckin hilarious, trust me! ;)
"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand. "

Homer Simpson

"You know me, Marge. I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my
homosexuals fa-laming."

Homer Simpson
Originally posted by Dwra
"They're pigs!!
And they're flying!!!
It's a bat- country!!!"

Johnny Depp trying to scare away a swarm of bats he thought he saw, after having consumed loads of drugs.

"- Did you drink all this acid??
- No. Music!!!!"

Johnny Depp and Benicio del Torro arguing about who had comsumed more drugs.

Somebody said Johnny Depp?! :p