favourite sitcoms


Jun 23, 2002
Germany, Haan
i just wanna know if there are some sitcom fans ???

my favourite sitcoms are:
- "Seinfeld"
- "Tool Time"......i don't know the original name of this sitcom....

.....there are some others....but i don't know the original name.... :cry:
Black Adder is good... So is Red Dwarf and any of the British stuff....

Are you being served?

Hitchhikers Guide...

Monty Python rules....
Tool Time is Home Improvement. I used to watch it a lot in the early/mid 90's, but when I look at it now it's pretty terrible! When they're doing "Tool time" it's a little bit funny sometimes. Debbe Dunning (Heidi) is the best part of the show IMO.
The same thing with Seinfeld. I don't think it's funny anymore and he's kind of too much a wuz. That episode were he finds out he hasn't returned a library book back in 1971 or something is pretty good (mainly because of the detective), but the rest is kind of like something your parents would laugh at. Danish people will know what I think of when I say Linie Tre and Cirkusrevyen.
I think Friends is for wuzzes too. If you're smart and cool and all that shit in 1996 you would watch Friends, but I'm not cool and smart in 1996, so I'll skip it. Also too much melodramatic shit.
The Nanny is even worse! If I was 10 years old I might like it! Fran Drescher's voice is irritating too.
I didn't find That 70's show interresting.
If this was 1987 Cheers might have been funny.
I can find some funny things in all of the shows mentioned above, but it's kind of waste of time using 30 minutes on a show where I might get lucky and find one funny thing, and that's only if I was lucky!
Now onto some shows that I like:
Married with children: Superb show!!!! Al Bundy is king, god, ruler, emperor and so on. He's a role model for every man; he hates his job, he hates his wife, he hates his kids and the only thing he wants to do is drink beers, watch tv with his hand down his belt and looking a chicks at The Jiggly Room! The first episodes was very bad. They didn't have that moral preeching that SO many sitcoms have, but it simply wasn't funny. The newest episodes wasn't that good either. It was right around the time when they started having a small clip before running the title song it started getting bad.
Drew Carey: It's no superb, but one of the only shows I watch. Very good show!
And some cartoons, which I don't know if they categorize as sitcoms:
Simpsons: Superb show!!!! The early episode wasn't that good. Not that funny and had way, way too much moral preeching and I hate that! If I want to listen to that shit I'd go talk to my father, not turn on a comedy show. I want to laugh, not learn about how we shouldn't see women as objects and shit (there was a Simpsons show about that). In some of the later episodes there a bit of preeching too, but the amount of funny jokes account for that!
Family Guy: Very good show! See if you can get your hands on the episode were he finds out that his house and property isn't a part of the US. They stole the idea from a Don Rosa Disney story, but it has one of the funniest parts I've seen in comedy! The episode itself is just okay, but that scene is really superb! I don't wanna spoil it for you by telling what it is. The episode is called E. Peterbus Unum or Petoria, I think.
Futurama: Really nice too. See if you can get your hands on the episode were they visit the Slurm factory (the soda they always drink). Superb shit! Another thing I also like about it is that it's more crazy than Simpsons and it's absolutely free of moral preeching and so is Family Guy. It's too bad that the only shows I can see is Simpsons and Drew Carey. Married with children has been taken off, even though I think they have started over at least 7 times or something. I don't think they have bought that many episodes of Family Guy and Futurama, so that's why it's not aired anymore.
Now let me finish off with some Al Bundy quetes (found at www.al-bundy.co.uk):
It's only a game if you win but if you lose it's a stinking waste of time.
Son, let this be a lesson to you. Never do tequila shooters within a country mile of a marriage chapel.
I'm tracking down Seven's real parents. Nobody sticks Al Bundy with unwanted kids except his wife.
A man is a man all his life, A woman is only sexy till she becomes your wife!
Six bucks is to much to spend on any woman.
Children... Oh what the hell, Wolfen.. let me tell you something about sharing. Don't do it. It can only come to trouble. Your mother and I shared a bed and nothing goodcame out of that.
We all have to live with our disappointments... I have to sleep with mine.
Peg, when you married me, was it pre-meditated or a drive-by marriage.
Kelly (Al Bundy's daughter): Hey! I just thought that Roman candles meant thatthey were imported - you know, from Romany!
Al insults Marcy (neighbour):
Here's 10 things to make you more attractive toyour sex symbol husband:
10. Wear traditional Islamic garb covering all but eyes
9. Feather removing electrolysis
8. Ski mask
7. Sew up holes in ski mask
6. Have an attractive woman stand in front of you at all times
5. Beak job
4. Put paper bag over ski mask
3. Shave hed, tatoo Cindy Crawford's face on back, learn to walk backwards
2. Poke eyes out of every man on earth
1. Get President to make every day Halloween!
I saw a lot of Black Adder when it was shown on the tele in the early 90's and I thought it was really good, but I haven't seen it since. I don't know if I'll like it now, as I don't like Home Improvement anymore and other stuff. The same thing with Fawlty Towers.
The simpsons(old)
Do you mean like the first year or something?
As I said, Simpsons is one of my favorite shows, but I think the first couple of years were pretty bad as it wasn't very funny and was full of moral preaching and I hate that! The earliest really funny episode I recall is when there's a chick (called Wendy I think) that gets employed at the Nuclear plant and Homer kind of falls in love with her. I recall an episode where Bart has to pass some test or else he gets held back and has to take the same grade again and it was terrible! I didn't know if I should :cry: or :puke:. It was simply terrible!
There's some of the later episodes that has a little moral preaching, but they're mostly funnier than the early ones, so I can live with that. It isn't as bad as it was in the early episodes. There's also the episode where Homer dances with some dancer who has very little clothes and it also had bad preaching!
I haven't seen the newest ones though, as they haven't been broadcasted here in Denmark yet. I think the channel that shows them has bought a certain amount of episodes and shows them and starts over when they're out of episodes.
When Bonecraft7 mentioned Alf, I thought of that Simpsons episode where Homer sees an alien (the one with Mulder & Scully) and he has to identify the alien at the police station and Alf is among the suspects. He only says "yo", but I think it's pretty funny, I don't know why.
I'm gonna have to go with Will and Grace, I don't know there is something abou the way gay guys act that makes me laugh, there aren't too amny good ones out there anymore, they're getting cancelled or their all re runs, I used to love sienfeld, but after watching it for awhile, I've realized Jerry Sienfeld is an idiot, in alot of his scenes u can see him trying not to laugh at his own lame ass jokes....