Fear of Eternity - Funeral Mass (2007)

Black Core

Sir MIMA & Leo Godfather
Jan 27, 2006
Gierle (Belgium)
I never heard of this band before so I did some research before I wrote this. It appears that this is a one man band from Italy with some guy named Andrea Tilenni. He played the drums in the album Research from SINOATH (if you happen to know the band). In Fear of Eternity he does everything himself (drumming, singing, melodies, etc.) and I must say he did a fantastic job. I guess you could categorize the album as many things but I would most likely categorize it as black funeral melodic doom metal.
It has this low toned melodic instruments which gives the music the gloomy and dark atmosphere which I am really getting into lately. Underneath these instruments lies a nice bass guitar and silent but strict drums. The drums are ideal for this kind of music, fans of fast drumming should not try this band out since the drumming is just meant to keep the rythm, it doesn't play any vital role in the music.
On top of this "carpet of doom" lies a great melody which sometimes sounds a bit depressing and that suits the funeral part of the genre in my opinion. This melody is the most important part of the music since it is what makes it sound so great. These melodies are all keyboard made but with the finest hand I know of altough that some of the melodies might sound repetive but that is just when you are paying extra attention to it. In a few songs some keyboard strokes are hit that remind me of synthetic bells which gives a little extra to those songs (and which made them to my favorite ones on the album).
As far as the singing is concerned. It's actually a sickening (but in a good way) low growl which takes some time to adjust to and you might even think that these vocals don't belong in this kind of music since they are too black metalish but when you listened to a few songs you will find that they are just perfect in the dark atmosphere of the album.

I find this a great album which might takes some time to get used to but when you do it sounds amazing. If you are into the dark and moody but yet melodic music I would definitly recommend this music. If you are expecting hard guitar riffs and an amazingly fast drum solo, stay away from this album. My advice is to wait untill it's evening, sit in a good chair or couch, put the cd on, volume on max and just close your eyes and enjoy.
He didn't have a lot to say, but what he said was pretty deep. We talked about "Toward the Castle." My quote was listed on the "Spirit of Sorrow" albums. Have you heard those two? I haven't heard the one you're reviewing. I'm sure it's good like the others, and from your description, it sounds like he's not doing anything out of the ordinary, for his style.
He didn't have a lot to say, but what he said was pretty deep. We talked about "Toward the Castle." My quote was listed on the "Spirit of Sorrow" albums. Have you heard those two? I haven't heard the one you're reviewing. I'm sure it's good like the others, and from your description, it sounds like he's not doing anything out of the ordinary, for his style.
haven't heard another one but this one but I'm planning to find them
and I'll find that interview btw, thanx

"silent but strict drums"???? wtf?

not to hard so they notice but still perfect in the rhytm