Feared Mixing Competition 2013

Decided to go with a Bolt Thrower style remix.
Didn't have much time to spend on it but I'm pretty happy.
Used Marshall 8100 to get tranny BT sound.
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My entry:

Any comments are appreciated!

Bass were reamped through SansAmp PSA.
Guitars were reamped through PSA & ENGL E530.

and Thanks a lot for the competition!!:kickass:These raw tracks are really awesome!!
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Here's my entry.

I would describe this instrumental mix as short and refreshing.

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I just did a soundcloud search of #fearedmixingcomp and got 500+ results and youtube has 22 pages of correctly tagged entries too at 20 per page.

Looks like there are 1000+entries for this.
How the hell are they going to be able to judge this?
I had a listen to a few and after the first 10 seconds of the first 20 on soundcloud my head was totally fried.
The thought of sitting and listening to even 10 seconds a thousand times would drive me mad like Jack Nicholson in The Shining where he types "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy" on page after page then procedes to go mental.
There are some mixes that really stand out of me at least. But yeah... listen to a song a thousand times in a row and you'll become as depressed as people here in Scandinavia. :D
THere is already a 10 people jury going through all the contributions as we speak! I've gone through 50-70 already. Of course not listening to the whole track but in like a minute or so checking different parts of the song.
Amount of people signed up for competition: 5973

Wow that is a lot!!!! guiness record? the most remixed song of all times?

maybe im getting sentimental, but i feel part of something big :D

It was cool to recieve messages from people from all around the world commenting on my mix and asking for critisicim, it is nice to know there are a lot of people working passinately on the same music.

The whole competition was great! looking foward for the next one already =)
So the results are out and... I don't mean to disrespect the winners but I was expecting a lot more. The dubstep song was pretty awesome!! But f.ex. Max Morton put out a mix that was way superior to the winning mix. Ofcourse that's a taste issue. Anyone agree with me on this? The winning mix was balanced pretty well although vocals were buried quite a bit. It is definitely pumping like hell. The second place seemed to be a music video. :) Didn't really care for the music.

My point is... Max should've won. :)