February is Black Metal history month.

haddsie said:
Nad, you sexy bastard, you know how to sweet-talk a girl, don't you? :p

Now, who wants to start a huge, meaningless debate??? :D
Hi haddsie! :wave:

You start one, I'll join in. :grin:
ya know, in the movies and 'common knowledge' big bad whitey went over and captured poor kunte kente who used to run free and forced him into a life of servitude. in reality a lot of the slaves that were brought over here were already slaves. big bad whitey perchased black slaves (prisoners of war etc) from black slave owners and tribes. big bad whitey did also capture and kidnap, but that wasnt the only source of slaves (not to mention what a huge undertaking that would be). they were still wrong to buy slaves and bring em over, but im kinda sick of only hearing the kidnap story. im not trying to justify slavery in any way what-so-ever, but slave decendants nowadays have it waaaay fuckin better than they would if they still lived in africa. yeh it sucked for your great great great great grandma who you never met, but you're better off so quit bitching. reparations (which i know wherent mentioned in this thread and the whole issue actually kinda disapeared with 9/11) are the most retarded thing ive ever heard. i dont know how to acieve equality, but overcompinsation for the past doesnt work...
JayKeeley said:
I've always hated the term, "black". I mean, I know that even 'black' people use that term to depict themselves, but I think it's just because it's become so exhausted over the years. I think it would make more sense if they referred to themselves as 'African Americans'. That way, they have some identity (through history) and it segregates themselves from other 'black' people who might have not been captured as slaves and brought to America. (E.g. Aborigines, South Indians, etc.). Now I know that most black people these days have no affiliation with the continent of Africa whatsoever, so why should they even claim to be African-American anymore?
I always thought "African-American" reeked of political correctness and a sense of being scared of upsetting over-sensitive blacks (or rather the over-sensitive whites who insist on fighting their battles for them), and just a bit too pedantic for my liking.

So my point is this: I can't imagine there being a "White" History Month. Now if you were to say, "Irish History", or "Italian History", then I would agree in that it makes some more sense. There are certainly enough Irish and Italians in the USA to warrant some kind of rememberance of their history and bloodlines.
This makes sense...though I can't help imagining you'd get some daft buggers who'd end up wanting "1/8 English 1/4 Welsh 2/3 Uzbek 3/17 Aboriginee 1/2 Sperm Whale White History Month" :loco: don't think of that as a serious point, it just amuses me...