Feedback on Power metal project


New Metal Member
Nov 24, 2001
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Hi there.

I've composed and recorded some songs in my home studio, and I'm planning to make a demo of the material.

It would be nice if I could get some feedback on one of the songs.
Right now this song is just instrumental, but vocals will be added later.

Please keep in mind that the final product will have better sound quality, real drums and vocal melodies.

Please tell me what you think of it so far. Does it suck big time, or does it rock?

Download the song at


I D/L your song, and in my opinion, I think it's fucking excellent..!! Nice work mate...! :)
I love the guitar work... the keyboards/synthesizers (or whatever, sorry!) at beginning are great also...

The only downside I can find is that the vocals have not been added as of yet... ;) So I can't wait to hear the song with vox..!

I can imagine the final producted with be something to look forward too..!

† Stay Metal..
I like very much this kind of euro power. Technical, melodic...
and when it comes from bands who know how to do it right, it becomes a real joy...

Well done :rock: